Monday, January 27, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Paging And Segmentation Computer Science Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Paging And Segmentation Computer Science Essay To use the processor and the I/O facilities efficiently, it is desirable to maintain many processes, as possible, in main memory. In addition, it is desirable to free programmers from size restrictions in program development than to restrict them with small sizes (that happened in the older computers). The restriction to a predefined size redirects the programmers effort from the use of better programming techniques to a continuously effort to make fit in that size a solution, not necessarily the optimal one. The way to address both of these concerns is virtual memory (VM). Virtual memory systems are an abstraction of the primary memory in a von Neumann computer. Even in a time of decreasing physical memory costs, contemporary computers devote considerable resources to supporting virtual address spaces that are much larger than the physical memory allocated to a process. Contemporary software relies heavily on virtual memory to support applications such as image management with huge memory requirements. (Sami Hamed ,2007) . 1.1 Implementing Virtual Memory To basic approaches to providing virtual memory are: paging and segmentation. Paging. With paging, each process is divided into relatively small, fixed-size pages. Paging systems transfer fixed-sized blocks of information between primary and secondary memories. Because of the fixed pages size and page frame size, the translation from a binary virtual address to a corresponding physical address is relatively simple, provided the system has an efficient table lookup mechanism. Paging systems use associative memories to implement page translation tables. Paging uses single-component addresses, like those used to address cell within any particular segment. In paging, the virtual address space is a linear sequence of virtual address (a format that differs from the hierarchical segmentation address space. In a paging system, the programmer has no specific mechanism for informing the virtual memory system about logical units of the virtual address space, as is done in segmentation. Instead, the virtual memory manager is completely responsible for defining the fixed-s ize unit of transfer the page to be moved back and forth between the primary and secondary memories. The programmer need not be aware of the units of virtual address space loaded into or unloaded from the physical memory. In fact, the page size is transparent to the process. ( Philip ,1998) . Segmentation. Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of varying size. It is also possible combine segmentation and paging in a single memory-management scheme. Segmentation is an alternative to paging. It differs from paging in that the unit transfer between primary and secondary memories varies. The size of the segments, are also explicitly known by the programmer. Translating a segment virtual address to a physical. Segmentation is an extension of the ideas suggested by the use of relocation-limit registers for relocating and bound checking blocks of memory. The program parts to be loaded or unloaded are defined by the programmer as variable-sized segments. Segment may be defined explicitly by language directives it implicit by program semantics as the: text, data and stack segments created by the UNIX C compiler. Address is more complex that translating a paging virtual address. (Michael , 2008) . 1.2 Process Management Process management refers to the full spectrum of as services to support the orderly administration of a collection of processes. The processor manager is responsible for creating the environment in which the sequential process executes, including implementing resource management. The community of processes that exists in the as at any given time is derived from the initial process that is created when the computer begins operation. The initial process boots up the as , which, in turn, can create other processes to service interactive users, printers, network connections and so on. A program image is created from a set of source modules and previously compiled library modules in relocate-able form. The link-editor combines the various relocate-able object modules to create an absolute program in secondary memory. The loader places the absolute program into the primary memory when a process executes the program. The program image, along with other entities that the process can reference, constitutes the process address space. The address space can be stored in different parts of the machines memory hierarchy during execution. 1.3 compares their advantages and disadvantages of Paging and Segmentation Advantages of Paging and Segmentation Disadvantages of Paging and Segmentation Paging No external fragmentation Segments can grow without any reshuffling Can run process when some pages are swapped to disk Increases flexibility of sharing Segmentation Supports sparse address spaces Decreases size of page tables If segment not used, not need for page table Increases flexibility of sharing of Both Increases flexibility of sharing Share either single page or entire segment Overhead of accessing memory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Page tables reside in main memory à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Overhead reference for every real memory reference Large page tables à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Must allocate page tables contiguously à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ More problematic with more address bits Page table size Assume 2 bits for segment, 18 bits for page number, 12 bits for offset 2.0 Mapping Function Algorithm to block the memory card side cache lines. Method Which country is necessary to define a cache block busy. Three techniques used: direct, associative and associative. Associative Mapping In associative mapping, when a request is made for cash, the requested address is compared in the same directory with all entries in the directory. If the requested address is found (directory hit), the appropriate place in the cache is fetched and returned to the processor, otherwise, a miss occurs.(figure 1) . Associative Mapping Cache Figure (1), (Philip ,1998) Associative Mapping Summary Address length = (s+w) bits Number of addressable units = 2^(s+w) words or bytes Block Size = line size = 2^w words or bytes Number of blocks in main memory = 2^(s+w)/2^w = 2^s Number of lines in cache = undetermined Size of tag = s bits Associative Mapping Pros and Cons Flexibility as to which block to replace when a new block is read into cache Replacement algorithms designed to maximize cache hit ratio Complex circuitry required to examine the tags of all cache lines in parallel direct mapping In a direct mapping cache Lower Row address bits are used to access the directory. Several address line card in the same place in the cache directory, upper address bits (tag bits) should be compared with address to ensure a hit. If the comparison is not valid, the result is a cache miss, or simply a miss. The address given to the cache by the processor actually is subdivided into several pieces, each of which has a different role in accessing data (figure 2) . Direct Mapping Cache Figure (2), (Philip ,1998) set associative Mapping Operates in a fashion somewhat similar to the direct-mapped cache. Bits from the line address are used to address a cache directory. However, now there are multiple choices: two, four, or more complete line addresses may be present in the directory. Each of these line addresses corresponds to a location in a sub-cache. The collection of these sub-caches forms the total cache array. In a set associative cache, as in the direct-mapped cache, all of these sub-arrays can be accessed simultaneously, together with the cache directory. If any of the entries in the cache directory match the reference address, and there is a hit, the particular sub-cache array is selected and out gated back to the processor (figure 3 ) (William , 2000) Set Associative Mapping Cache Figure (3) ,(Philip ,1998) 2.4 Replacement Algorithms Direct Mapping No choice Each block only maps to one line Must replace that line Associative and Set Associative. Must be implemented in hardware for speed. Most effective Least Recently Used (LRU) Replace the block in the set that has been in cache the longest with no references to it . 2-way set associative each line includes a USE bit . First-in-first-out (FIFO) Replace the block in the set that has been in the cache the longest. Uses a round-robin or circular buffer technique . Least Frequently Used (LFU) . Replace the block in the set that has experienced the fewest references. Associate a counter with each line Pick a line at random not based usage . Only slightly inferior in performance to algorithms based on usage . 3.0What is RAID The basic idea of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is to combine multiple cheap disks in an array of disk drives to obtain performance, capacity and reliability that exceeds that of a large disk. The array of drives appears to the host computer as one logical drive. The Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of the array is equal to the MTBF of an individual drive, divided by the number of drives in the array. Because of this, the MTBF of a non-redundant array (RAID 0) is too low for mission-critical systems. However, disk arrays can be made fault tolerant by redundantly storing information in various ways. Five types of array architectures, RAID 1 to RAID 5 were originally determined each provides disk fault tolerance with different compromises in features and performance. In addition to these five redundant array architectures, it has become popular to refer to a non-redundant array of disk drives as a RAID 0 array. RAID 0 is the fastest and most efficient array type but offers no fault tolerance. RAID 0 requires a minimum of two drives. (William , 2000). 3.1 Performance and Data Redundancy Increasing Logical Drive Performance Without an array controller, connecting extra physical disks to a system increases the total storage capacity. However, it has no effect on the efficiency of read/write operations, because data can only be transferred to one physical disk at a time (see Figure 3). Figure (3) ,(William , 2000) With an array controller, connecting extra physical disks to a system increases both the total storage capacity and the read/write efficiency. The capacity of several physical disks is combined into one or more virtual units called logical drives (also called logical volumes). The read/write heads of all of the physical disks in a logical drive are active simultaneously; improving I/O performance and reducing the total time required for data transfer (see Figure 4). (William, 2000) Figure (4), (William , 2000) Because the read/write heads for each physical disk are active simultaneously, the same amount of data is written to each disk during any given time interval. Each unit of data is called a block. The blocks form a set of data stripes that are spread evenly over all the physical disks in a logical drive (see Figure 5), (William, 2000). Figure (5) ,(William , 2000) For data in the logical drive to be readable, the data block sequence must be the same in every stripe. This sequencing process is performed by the Smart Array Controller, which sends the data blocks to the physical disk, writing the heads in the correct order. In a striped array, each physical disk in a logical drive contains the same amount of data. If one physical disk has a larger capacity than other physical disks in the same logical drive, the extra capacity cannot be used. A logical drive can extend over more than one channel on the same controller, but it cannot extend over more than one controller. Disk failure, although rare, is potentially catastrophic to an array. If a physical disk fails, the logical drive it is assigned to fails, and all of the data on that logical drive is lost. (Peng, Hai , Xinrong ,Qiong Jiangling , 1997) . 3.2 differences among all RAID levels RAID 0 is the fastest and most efficient array type but offers no fault tolerance. RAID 0 requires a minimum of two drives. RAID 1 is the best choice for performance-critical, fault-tolerant environments. RAID 1 is the only choice for fault-tolerance if no more than two drives are used. RAID 2 is seldom used today since ECC is embedded in all hard drives. RAID 2 is not supported by Adaptec RAID controllers. RAID 3 can be used to speed up data transfer and provide fault tolerance in single-user environments that access long sequential records. However, RAID 3 does not allow overlapping of multiple I/O operations and requires synchronized-spindle drives to avoid performance degradation with short records. Because RAID 5 with a small stripe size offers. Similar performance, RAID 3 is not supported by Adaptec RAID controllers. RAID 4 offers no advantages over RAID 5 and does not support multiple simultaneous write operations. RAID 4 is not supported by Adaptec RAID controllers. RAID 5 combines efficient, fault-tolerant data storage with good performance characteristics. However, write performance and performance during drive failure is slower than with RAID 1. Rebuild operations also require more time than with RAID1 because parity information is also reconstructed. At least three drives are required for RAID 5 arrays. RAID-6 Striped data with dual distributed parity RAID-6 is the same as RAID-5 except that it uses a second level of independently calculated and distributed parity information for additional fault tolerance. This extra fault tolerance provides data security in the event two drives fail before a drive can be replaced. While this RAID level does provide greater fault tolerance than level 5, there is a significant loss in write performance due to the requirement for storing parity twice for each write operation. A RAID-6 configuration also requires N+2 drives to accommodate the additional parity data, which makes it less cost effective than RAID-5 for an equivalent storage capacity. RAID 10 Stripe set of mirrored arrays RAID 10 (also called RAID 0/1) is a combination of RAID levels 0 and 1. In this type of implementation a RAID-0 stripe set of the data is created across a 2-disk array for performance benefits. A duplicate of the first stripe set is then mirrored on another 2-disk array for fault tolerance. While this configuration provides all of the performance benefits of RAID-0 and the redundancy of RAID-1, this level is very costly to implement because a minimum of four disks are necessary to create a RAID 10 configuration. NOTE A RAID 10 configuration can continue operations even when two disks have failed, provided that the two disks not part of the same RAID-1 mirror set. RAID 50 Stripe set of parity arrays RAID level 50 (also called RAID 0/5) is a combination of RAID levels 0 and 5. Multiple RAID-5 arrays are striped together using RAID-0. Parity is maintained separately for each RAID-5 group in the striped array. This level provides the same advantages of RAID-5 for small data transfers with the added performance of striping for disk read/write operations. Also, because parity is calculated independently for each RAID-5 component, if one array is degraded the effect on overall operations is not as significant as for a single RAID-5 array. However, the overhead incurred by RAID-5 parity generation is still present. Normally this does not cause noticeable degradation unless you are dependent on software-based XOR functionality or have a large number of disks in the array. RAID subsystems that support hardware-based XOR should provide performance nearly equal to a RAID-0 configuration with the added protection of data parity information in the event of a disk failure. A minimum of six disks are required for a RAID 50 configuration. NOTE A RAID 50 configuration can continue operations even when two disks have failed, provided that the two disks are not part of the same RAID-5 parity group.(Adaptec inc. (n. d.)) .
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Comparing Benjamin Franklin to Mary Rowlandson Essay
The literature written during this time period reveals the important part the supernatural (God) played during those changing times. The new world was struggling for a new identity. Were these individuals also defining the role of God to themselves? In this discussion the lives of Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin will be compared. Each penned a narrative of their life experiences. There are marked contrasts and comparisons between these two individuals in relation to their perceptions of God. Religion was a dynamic part of life in Colonial America. A shift from faith to deism was occurring. The Puritans of this time were escaping the Church of England. Their hope was to return to the more primitive ways, to reject the churches hierarchy and ritual. Mary Rowlandson, a puritan in Lancaster, Massachusetts was seized by Indians, along with three of her children in 1676. In her narrative she recounts the story of her survival in the wilderness for a period of three months. She is tak en away from her home and husband, â€Å"all was gone (except my life); and I knew not but the next moment what might go too. Benjamin Franklin’s The Autobiography is an account of his life and begins with his boyhood in Boston. He later flees to Philadelphia to escape his brother’s rule over him. He relates how he was â€Å"dirty†, â€Å"fatigu’d†, and â€Å"Want of Rest†. In these depictions we can see a similarity. Both individuals are removed from their homes and families. Although Benjamin Franklin’s removal was of his own free will. They each suffered as they no longer had the comforts of which they were comfortable. Rowlandson’s faith was amazing considering all that she endured. Throughout the narrative she must rely on her faith in God. She includes numerous verses from the Bible to offer explanations for all that she has suffered, â€Å"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say on the Lord†. It is also noted that she was able to use her trade to survive, â€Å"knitting a pair of white cotto n stockings for my mistress†. This is also a parallel to Franklin in that he also used his trade to survive. But one must ask what is moving Rowlandson? Is she writing for posterity or is she simply egocentric? Rowlandson has portrayed herself as the ultimate Puritan. Was the glory to God or to herself? She also relates here â€Å"how many Sabbaths I had lost and misspent†. It is fascinating to note that toward the end of the narrative she begins to see that her fate is in God’s hands, â€Å"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee†. At the end she recounts her old ways, â€Å"I have seen the extreme vanity of this world†. Franklin, states, â€Å"I had been religiously educated†, I rarely attended any Public Worship†. Some of the doctrine he described as â€Å"unintelligible†, â€Å"others doubtful†. He saw a need to center authority for our lives not in God but in oneself. He also noted â€Å"My conduct may be blamable, but I leave it without attempting farther to excuse it†. Franklin is explaining his behavior but not making apologies. It is also noted that he reveals that he had undertaken â€Å"the bold and arduous Project of arriving at moral perfection†. He had also written a â€Å"Form of Prayer for my own private use†. In Franklin’s â€Å"Thirteen Names of Virtues†, He lists the qualities he deems â€Å"Desirable†. Originally there were only 12 but â€Å"a Quaker friend kindly inform’d me that I was generally thought proud†. The last virtue is humility, and his statement â€Å"imitate Jesus and Socrates†, reflect deism. Although Franklin does state that he was not able to achieve this virtue, he reveals, â€Å"I had a good deal with regard to the Appearance of it†. Franklin also had a â€Å"Memorandum Book†, in which he kept track of his virtues. The book was lined in red ink and his faults were marked in black, â€Å"which marks I could easily wipe out with a wet sponge†. Could this possibly be an analogy to God? Franklin is establishing his own destiny in relation with his deist beliefs. The ideas he projects are decency, justice and belief that happiness may be found in secular values. Near the end Franklin journals his â€Å"Scheme†and communicates it â€Å"was not wholly without Religion†but it did not necessarily reflect any â€Å"particular sect†. An illusion of the America to come? A new world which offered religious freedom? This America in its infancy was establishing an identity free from the mother land. Breaking the tie that binds is never easy. In his Autobiography Franklin was seeking to establish a new identity for the new world. This parallels Rowlandson in that she at the end of her captivity has evolved into a new person. Although Rowlandson has placed her fate more in the hands of her God. Franklin suggests that man controls his own destiny but also makes reference throughout to God. He must deal with his excessive pride, even as Mary Rowlandson has dealt with her own vanity. Hence the supernatural (God) did help to shape our country to what it is today. Our beliefs reflect what our purpose is, what our identity is. Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin were setting the standards for Americans to aspire to be. Mary Rowlandson contributes to a young American nation searching for its identity the power of survival without conforming to the behaviors and acts of others. Her faith and trust in God sustained her from becoming like the savagely, as she first perceived, people who took her by force into captivity. At the end of her journey dependence on the grace and providence of God was displayed. In my opinion this is a great contribution to any nation seeking its identity. Benjamin Franklin contributions were/are remarkable. He advocated personal responsibility, intellectual curiosity, honesty, persistence, and prudenceâ€â€principles that have helped people everywhere lift themselves up. He encouraged an entrepreneurial culture which creates opportunity and hope through peaceful cooperation. He affirmed that by improving yourself and helping your neighbors you can make a free society succeed. His most glorious invention wasâ€â€and isâ€â€the American dream.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Practical Criticism on the Tamer and Hawk poem Essay
Tom Gunn’s Tamer and Hawk is an extended metaphor depicting a powerful, strong, almighty, wild bird of prey (a metaphor for Gunn) being controlled by a seemingly inferior body (a human) – his true love. It depicts an image of a bird and its master (with the use of indirect personification). It tells a story of Gunn’s adoration of his ‘Tamer’ and his strong desire to entice his love. It is an effective metaphor because as the poem continues the danger and violence becomes more prominent, especially at the end of the poem. There are three main theme to the poem; love (â€Å"To fly for you and show†), loyalty (â€Å"For you I fear to lose†) and devotion (â€Å"You seeled me with your love†). The first stanza explains how the Hawk is happy to be domesticated by this person, as he expresses no objection to his situation. He even wants to show off his capabilities in a performance to his Tamer in the hope of impressing him. Gunn idolis es his Tamer by portraying him as kind (â€Å"But gentled at your hands†) and being gently powerful (â€Å"I thought I was so tough†) – with the emphases on the second ‘I’ trying to show the Tamer is more powerful than himself, as well as the quotation â€Å"Upon your wrist†which depicts the Tamer as somewhat of a godly figure who is in control of another life. Also, the quick rhyme scheme: A, B, A, C, C, B, along with the lack of any punctuation and the fast rhythm of the stanza (without any assonance or alliteration or sibilance), due to the Iambic trimeter, emphasises the Hawk’s effort he is putting into his performance, and hence trying to impress his Tamer. This is cemented by Gunn’s use of the phrase â€Å"Cannot be quick enough†which implies that his pace is still not enough to please his lover. The second stanza could be seen as a continuation of the first stanza, the themes are interrelating and also the ideas are common. It evinces the Hawk still not being able to fly away, as he is too in love with his Tamer that whenever they are apart, as soon as he calls him back he returns as fast as he can. It is evidence of how he is becoming so subservient to his Tamer (â€Å"I am no longer free†). Additionally, this quotation implies that the Hawk is in the process of being tamed, which means that there are st ill some wild aspects of his nature. This links to the quotation â€Å"You but half-civilise†which leads to hazardous consequences. One also gets the sense that the Hawk has some desires to be released – showing his wild core aspects, by the use of regular polysyllabic words, with possible double meanings – â€Å"no longer free,†â€Å"seeled,†â€Å"blind,†â€Å"hooded.†The fact that the majority of these words are polysyllabic could be intended to extend the length of the word in order to express his pain, suffering and anguish. Stanza three explains how the Hawk has now broken free and has the opportunity to open his wings and explore, however, there is one major drawback. He cannot release the thought of his love, the Tamer, which is constantly on his mind (â€Å"In my possessive thought, Of catcher and of caught†). Additionally, in the first line of this stanza the word â€Å"formerly†links back with the idea that he is putting on his best show in order to try and impress his love, continuing the themes of devotion, loyalty and love, and also dete rmination and fortitude. Despite the clues embedded within the poem, it is the final stanza that is the climax of the poem. There are several integral parts to the poem in this stanza. The general picture of the stanza is that the Hawk is willing to go to the very extremes if it means not losing his love. The phrase â€Å"half-civilised†proves that the Hawk still contains his wild instincts and nature, as he is still half wild, however, this is no excuse for what the Hawk plans to do to his Tamer – Kill him. â€Å"For you I fear to lose, I lose to keep, and choose Tamer as prey†explains the Hawk’s plan. It may not be very evident but it does illustrate what the Hawk is willing to do, in order for him not to lose his Tamer. The Hawk obviously longs for the Tamer, however, he might long for him slightly too much because it could be on a parallel with how much a Hawk longs for its prey. One could form the opinion that what the Hawk is a metaphor for is monomaniacal as he is willing to kill his love in order to keep it. â€Å"I lose to keep†is a paradox because the two words in juxtaposition are opposites, contradicting each other, creating an antithesis. It is incomprehensible that one must lose something in order to keep and preserve it. This is the most extreme example of devotion. Generally, the fact that all of the stanzas end in an abrupt fashion, with a four syllable line instead of the previous six syllables, could be interpreted, by the reader, as the Hawk’s realisation that his Tamer is not returning his love and reveals the Hawk’s desperation and disappointment when he is rejected his ultimate wish. The extended metaphor is a very good and effective one because it gives very clear images of all of the scenes created by Gunn and also it is appropriate because the relationship is so domineering, possessive and un-natural.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Life Changing Experience of Caregiving Essay - 1212 Words
The Life Changing Experience of Caregiving My interpretation of caregiving and the extensive role a caregiver plays transformed while reading Emily Abel’s novel, Hearts of Wisdom. When interviewing my grandmother, Marjorie Waguespack, her personal experiences reinforced many of the vital factors Abel believes are involved in caregiving. Caregiving includes major rewarding aspects from varying standpoints. Emily Abel wholeheartedly believes, â€Å"the three major components of careâ€â€instrumental, spiritual, and emotionalâ€â€sometimes conferred significant rewards†(60). Caring for an individual can be difficult and may require substantial sacrifice, but oftentimes the benefits outweigh the costs. With these components, an extensive network of†¦show more content†¦If a physician was called, death was inevitable (42). My grandmother wholeheartedly disagrees with Abel’s ideas. She trusted her doctor literally with her life. Emily Abel emphasizes th at doctors proved to remain unreliable and costly. She illustrates the difficulties of summoning a physician; â€Å"transportation difficulties not only delayed doctors’ arrivals but also prevented them from providing continuing care†(41). My grandmother lived in a different kind of situation. The town she resided in consisted of almost all relatives; where as in Abel’s stories, the doctor most likely would be required to travel long distances to provide care. Transportation served as a significant challenge that prevented care from being rendered in a timely fashion, especially if major trauma or an acute sudden onset condition was involved. My grandmother did not experience this obstacle. My grandmother explained, â€Å"[T]he doctors office had registered nurses and a few rooms available for more care, if needed, for twenty four hours a day.†In other words, help was almost always available. The local doctor’s instrumental value benefitted the surrounding community. This local resource came in handy with her multiple children. My grandmother had four daughters that she cared for on a daily basis. She explained howShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Neurobiology On A Person s Behaviors And Thought Processes1715 Words  | 7 Pagesworker, it is important to be aware of neurobiology of the brain. A persons thoughts and actions can best be explained by neurobiology. Social workers work daily with people who seek therapy to address thoughts and actions that occur in their everyday life. In order to provide best practice, it is important to have understanding of how neurobiology plays a role in the development of a person’s behaviors and thought processes. 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