Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Major Drivers Of Humanity s Ecological Footprint Are...
1) Introduction â€Å"The two major drivers of humanity’s ecological footprint are population and consumption†(Sherbinin). With population on the rise, it is becoming a growing concern the negative effects population has on the environment. So how much is population actually growing? Where and why is it growing so rapidly? And how can we minimize its effects on our environment? Well, the world population is higher now than it ever has been before and the United Nations World Population Prospects presents a medium variant projection by 2050 of 9.2 billion people and still growing, although at a significantly reduced rate. Most of the projected growth is expected to occur in the developing world, increasing from 5.4 to 7.9 billion (Sherbinin). So, it is widely accepted that the global population has been on the rise for a number of years now and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future reaching record-breaking numbers. But what kind of impacts do these recording breaking numbers have on our environment? This is where consumption plays a major role. Consumption trends are somewhat difficult to predict because they depend more heavily than population projections on global economic conditions, efforts to pursue sustainable development, and potential feedback from the environmental systems. Nevertheless, several indicators of consumption have grown at rates well above population growth in the past century (Sherbinin). Consequently, if consumption trends of the current globalShow MoreRelatedEco-Buddhism7194 Words  | 29 Pagesinto our awareness: the solution to any discomfort we might have is consumption. Needless to say, this all-pervasive conditioning is incompatible with the liberative path of Buddhism. Consumption has replaced religion and citizenship as the way we participate in society. It is one of 4 Megaphenomena that have ‘spiked’ in intensity over the last century, combining to create unprecedented danger for the biosphere. Population growth, carbon gas emissions and species extinctions are the otherRead MoreClimate Change And Its Effects On Economic Growth Essay8671 Words  | 35 Pagesclimate change in Kenya is undeniable, while its effects on economic growth are no more mysterious; rather, they are rapidly unfolding to a startling reality and concern for humanity. 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Key: ââ€" ââ€" = major focus ââ€" = important subsidiary focus ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 601 A GUIDE TO THE MAIN FOCUS OF CASES IN THE BOOK 601 PAGE NUMBER IN THE BOOK CASE Ekomate – an Indian company uses networks and relationships to internationaliseRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesbusiness and the increasing importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability in global management. We have incorporated the latest research on the increasing pressure for MNCs to adopt more â€Å"green†management practices, including Chapter 3’s opening World of International Management which includes discussion of GE’s â€Å"ecomagination†initiative and a boxed feature in that chapter on the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We have updated discussion of and provided additional emphasis on theRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children - 1778 Words
From as long as our history can remember, America has been littered with the disease of domestic violence. Domestic violence is the act of abusing or being abused (physically, verbally, or mentally) by someone you live with. Consequently, the rate of children witnessing domestic violence has soared through the roofs to about 3 billion each year. Because domestic violence usually takes place at home, it psychologically alternates the state of children and creates huge impacts on them, their lives, and their futures. Several types of domestic violence we usually hear describing domestic violence include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and extortion. Physical abuse is the most common type of violence. This involves punching,†¦show more content†¦With no self-control and not being able to express their emotions healthily, most usually exploding because of all that they have kept inside of them, children end up having poor relationships with their peers, which quickly weakens their sense of worth. Domestic violence is unfortunately capable of taking away from a kid’s learning ability and memory. The more traumatic an experience a child has been through, the more likely they are to forget things that they once were able to. This tragic fact has a huge effect on a childs performance throughout school, with common speech setbacks and a large insufficient amount of problem solving skills and conflict resolutions. When grades begin to fall, children are then in classes that are not sufficient in preparing them for success. Long-term problems are inescapable for young placed children who constantly and repeatedly, helplessly watch domestic violence inside their homes, a place supposed to be a safe and warm place. The sad truth is that most people who witness domestic violence as children also see it as adults; males are likely to engage in domestic violence, while females are likely to become victims and the other way around. With this kind of regularity of violence, it is l ikely that the cycle will continue in their families and so on. There are several more problems that children experience that started off from domestic violence. Most children who grow up in a violent home developShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Domestic Violence on Children661 Words  | 3 PagesQuestion 1 There are many consequences of not taking a strong stance against domestic abuse and the later impact on the children in the situation. Even if the children are not involved in the actual abuse, they are still negatively impacted by the presence of domestic violence in their households (Osofsky 1990). When abuse is condoned or ignored in a domestic relationship, children can begin to assume that is a normal occurrence, which can be a concept they carry with them for the rest of theirRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children2365 Words  | 10 Pagesascertain the effects of living with domestic violence on children conducted psychological test to measure children’s competency and development. Development psychologists experimented on children in laboratory settings, if the level of competency demonstrated by a child was below average for their age and stage of development, witnessing domestic violence was deemed to be the cause. To know whether a child ha s been harmed by their experiences we need to how ‘normal’ children function and develop (ArchardRead MoreDomestic Violence Has A Negative Impact On Children1568 Words  | 7 PagesOpen your eyes: Domestic violence has a negative impact on children. Being 8 years old and growing up witnessing domestic violence in my household was hard. â€Å"About 70% of domestic violence between couples goes unreported (S.N)†The reason the rate is so high is because fear overcomes the victim. The lack of someone being able to sit down and talk without being scared of getting home and getting beaten by their partner is bad, the reason of not being able to just sit down and talk to someone justRead More Case Study: Impact on Children of Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Mental Illness2706 Words  | 11 PagesStudies have shown that children who grow up in families where there is substance misuse, mental illness or domestic violence are more vulnerable to significant harm (Kendall-Taylor and Mikulak 2009).Children’s vulnerability usually stems from the effects of substance misuse, domestic violence or mental illness on parenting ability. Substance misuse, domestic violence and mental illness can result in parent’s fi nding it difficult to organize their lives to meet both their personal needs and theirRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children1124 Words  | 5 PagesThe biggest victims of domestic violence are the littlest. The home is a suppose to be a safe and secure environment for children with loving parents and free from violence. Children need a secure environment where they can come home to when the outside world is unsafe. However, every year there are millions of children who’s homes are not a safe haven. Millions of children are exposed to a parent being violently assaulted. Domestic violence is a prevalent social issue in America today. First, whoRead MoreEssay on The Gravity of Domestic Violence in America1423 Words  | 6 Pages the gravity of domestic violence in America has been disregarded and glossed over; perhaps it is because 60 percent of all domestic violence takes place at home. Domestic violence is defined as, the situation in which an intimate partner or someone you live with attacks you and tries to hurt you, often including physical assault, sexual assault, and bullying. â€Å"Every year, more than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes.†( Domestic violence at home is alteringRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Victims And Varies1700 Words  | 7 PagesDefinition, strengths and limitations, and occurrence Domestic violence as a form of trauma can have an impact on victims and varies in the form in which it occurs. Domestic violence can occur directly to an individual or family or indirectly as exposure to domestic violence. The Department of Justice defines domestic violence as â€Å"a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. According to CrossRead MoreDevelopmental Trajectory And Impact On Hispanic Women851 Words  | 4 PagesDevelopmental trajectory and impact Hispanic women who are able to escape their perpetrator may be faced with barriers that impact their ability to rise above a lower socioeconomic status. Community resources may provide some aid but are not suffice to sustain a family with a single parent. Hispanic women who are entrapped in an abusive relationship may feel financially obligated to remain with their perpetrator. Some barriers identified by Shah and Shah (2010) include low educational attainmentRead MoreThe Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Essay examples1577 Words  | 7 PagesExposure to domestic violence can impact the behavioral, social-emotional, and cognitive development of children. Children who are exposed to domestic violence tend to exhibit more aggressive behaviors with their peers, show signs of depression, and have a difficult time forming relationships (Brown Bzostek, 2003). Cognitively, studies have shown that children exposed to domestic violence may have difficulties learning and concent rating in school, have difficulties with conflict resolution skillsRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children915 Words  | 4 Pagessignificant impacts not only on the victims, but also on the society. Though, some abuses have minor impacts, but most of the abuses have long-term affect and some of them of the affects of abuse stay for decades. In an article, â€Å"The Hidden Consequence Of Domestic Violence Linger For Decades†, from Think Progress, the author Tara Culp-Ressler wrote, â€Å"You’re at a higher risk for some of the largest health problems that our country is facing today†which informs that the victims of domestic violence are at
Monday, December 9, 2019
Effects of Poverty on Enrollment in Ecde free essay sample
This chapter consist of the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitations, scape of the study and operational definition. 1. 1 BACGROUND OF THE STURDY When a counting is faced with challenges of ensuring the provision of child care services becomes too wide for the state . In this case foster care and more extensive adoption programe are preferred to be practiced. However, there will always be situation where there is a shortage of forster parent and you will be requiring orphanage to provide care for the children. Most charity homes that have provided children services for example; Mama Ngina children Home and Dada Mary children Rehabilation center increasingly focusing their effort on community based care to keep them in the extended families. Due to profound changes in Kenya in the mid 80’s has been the formation of street to children who run away from their families to the streets. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of Poverty on Enrollment in Ecde or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This 21’st century extra ordinary episodes are seeminly related to the degeneration social value and socio-economic hardship of the day. Research by Vonda sharnk to Herman (1992) has shorwn that there is maltreatment of children. Parents as care takes era legally responsible for supporting and providing for children. But in the absence of these or any relatives willingly to care for the children they become award of the state. By looking at the number of children seen on the roaming on the streets there raising a need to find out the root course so that a lasting solution is found. AVERT international organization (2005) describes the rnumber of orphans and vulnerable children in the past three decades in Africa as an explosion. AVERT estimate the number at 46% of all children inâ€Å"need of care and protection†as AIDS orphans. AVERT further agues that family structures in Africa can not cope because of numbe of orphans and vunrable children. It is likely that at this time the situation is unbearable and there is need to conduct a research to find out the real effect of child abuse on performance on ECDE center in Tingolo Zone . It appears that the exodus of children to urban areas is related to child abuse. According to the Republic of Kenya (2007) every child should have a right to life, survival, development , parent care, name and nationality registration at birth , on discrimination protection from all forms of abuse, education, privacy, leisure, priper and adequate nutrition, health care and parental spiritual guidance. But in the absence of the above rights, the child feels being abused and neglected hence performance of the child reduces. It has been noticed that members of the community and individual look the request knowledge about child rights hence resulting into cases received in the media on child abuse. In urban as well as rural areas, the number of working children is alarming seemingly these large numbers tells of children dropping out of school or never given a chance to join ECDE center in the first place. These group of children are likely not to join school unless something is done to rescuer this from the streets. The crime and prostitution rate already being practiced in the society is done this from the streets. The crime and prostitution rate already being practiced in the society is soar. The implication of pre-mature deaths from drug abuse, police shootings and HIV/AIDS. Mr Njenga says that we shall be gong to waste as we stand to loose a generation that would have given back to the society. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that child abuse is issure in the society that need to be investigated 1. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. It has been noticed that ECO children learn a great deal through observation and imitation. Parents take a bigger fraction of child’s environment hence they have a significant role in determining what a child learn especially through odservation and imitation at it forms behavior. This is according to skinner behaviorism theory of learning. Parents should display traits and behaviour that can be imitated by the children yet some of them may not be in a position to possess qualiies that are desirable for learners to emulate. Besides that they may not provide for the child’s holistic devolopement because of ignorance that that only a certain amount of education can remove in this regard it is assumed that a parent with reasonable education should be able to nurture a child into asocially acceptable human being. It has been observed that many children from parents thought of as having some educationseem not to get adequate care in early stages of life. This study wil therefore be dsigned to try to determine the effect of child abuse early development and education in Tingolo Zone Busia county. 1. 3 THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of child abuse on perfomancce in ECD centers in Tingolo Zone Busia county. 1. 4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study wil be guided dy the following objectives; I. To find out the cause of the child abuse in Tingolo Zone Busia county. II. To investigate incicideence of child abuse in early childhood Development Education center in Tingolo Zone Busia county. III. To determine the effects of child abuse of performance in Tingolo Zone Busia county. 1. 5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS. I. What are some of the causes of child abuse in Tingolo Zone Busia county? II. Which incidence of child are observed or reported in ECDE center? III. How dose child abuse affect the performance of children in ECDE centers? 1. 6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY. The study will be conducted in Tiongolo Zone Busia county. The research study will collect information in 10 pre-school and lower primary. 1. 7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY. The researcher will find it hard to prepare and do research study in time due to; I. Luck of enough funds to carry out the research since it will involve a lot of movement. II. Poor weather conditions, that is alote of rain leading poor transportation network III. The researcher may face the problemof uncoperativeness in that most of the people in the area of the study may not be free to axpress their views due to fear of the people in the area. IV. The researcher may also face a problem of hostility among some community in the area of the study. V. The researcher may also face the problem of language barrier hence 1. 8 DELIMITATION To delimit these problems; I. The researcher will use her own means of transport so as to eliminate extra transport. II. The researcher will cary out the study during the day. III. The resaecher will communicate easily with the subject under the study by use of their native language. 1. 9 ABREVIATION OF TERMS. ECDE: Early Childhood Development Education HIV : Human Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome FPE : Free Primary Education. NU : United Nation UK : United Kingdom CDF : Constituency Development Funds IDP : Iternally Displaced Person CRISP: Child Right International surport prigram CCO : Community Child Organization Center GOK : Government Of Kenya. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIWE 2. 1 INTRODUCTION The chapter focused and review of literature by other people and their contribution on the effect of child abuse on ECDE Centre, the incidents of child abuse in ECDE, causes of child abuse in ECDE and effect of child abuse performance in ECDE 2. 2 THEORIES OF CHILD ABUSE Mumbi (2004) quotes the minister for health Mrs. Charity Ngilu say that there should be basic hygiene. According to Mrs. Ngilu parents and other care takers should be sensitized on the need of providing nutritious food and clean water to their children so as to enable their children grow healthy which in turn improve their academic performance in there learning environment Swift C. R (1984) says that poverty iss often associated with under ntririon, poor medical care and pre-maturity which in turn are associated with above average incidences of psychological maladjustments. Psychological stress in life may contribute to the onset of illness which may affect performance of the child both in playground in accademics. Murithi (2005) argues thst Kenya has been pushed into a great situation of distinction between the rich and poor. This discrimination has affected the performance of the children. However the GOK has tried to find povety in the county by disbursing C. D. F to help the development project for both adults and children. The gorverment has slso through CRISP disbursed financial assistance to primary and C . C. O center to select districts in the county to umprove infrastructure and learning materials in their institutions. These are effects to cental poverty in our constituency and county. Despite the government’s effort to eradicate poverty and provide basic needs to children the provisions is still found to be serious problem and other stakeholders in the education are called uporn to join hands in this process. 2. 3 INCIDDENCES OF CHILD ABUSE Many incidence of child abuse may be silently taking place in child institution, homes and families without anybody realizing. The standard ( Nov. 19, 2008)- The Helpline Director and children department reported that over 300 child abuse cause were handled in three months’ time and ten percent of the causes handled were boys related. Daily Nation (Nov. 19, 2008) states that more boys in the post have been rescued from streets than ever before. There are more boys than there are girls on the streets which means that boys are being abused more at homes. As though this was not enough, the standard (March 11, 2008) reported that the Roman catholic church in the US paid out 615 million dollars in 2009 for child sex abuse case involving members of the allergy, or fifty four percent more than the previous years. Likely new of boys being abused tends to be reported in many cases because they are openly seen on the streets than there are girls. There might be a lot happening on girls silently and not being voiced by the suffers for fear of losing some privilages enjoyed and even being threatened for dire consequences, The study will found a large rate of exploitation and abuse, slave, child ponography, sexual assult, child prostitution and child trafficking. Brian ( Daily Nation, Nov. 9, 2008) states that the civil society organization have crcked the whip on people who abuse girls so often and had that result has been that child abusers has shifted their on welcome attention to boys. But on the country, it’s likely that girls may be undergoing some bitter moments in the hands of friends, parents and relatives. Weke ( Daily Nation, Nov. 19, 2008) says that incidents of sexual abuse on boys have increasedin the past few months. A number of sodomy cases have been received from school and other institution and even rehabilitation center. It is likely that a lot is happening silently and these children may be undergoing a terminating period in their lifetime perpetrators may even be changing their tactics of committing the crime. Contradiction is brought between the statistics in the children’s department and those in the county education office on children in ECDE centers. Statistics shows that few girls have been enrolled in ECDE centers in Tingolo Zone as compared to the total population of children in Tingolo Zone. There are 5,000 children under age of eight years in Tingolo Zone of which more than half are boys. Staistics in ECDE officr, Busia county shows that more boys than girls have been enrollde in ECDE center in Tingolo Zone. This contradicts what Brian sy that child abuses have shifted their attention to boys. It is most likely that girls are silently being destroyed without anybody’s knowledge. 2. 4 CAUSES OF CHILD ABUSE According to the Numerous Foundation ( 1995) many children run away from home due to problems with their families may be this seems to be due to violence in the family, peer pressure, problems at the school, separation of parents or arrival of step parents. Sreets are just a replacement of these problems that children run away from and this takes differen wsys like sexual abuse, development of criminal, traits in children and the raise of leading to child labour. Children trafficking and deaths from deaths from malnutrition and mob justice, transmission of disease like HIV/AIDS. However, few of these cases are reported due to stigmatization, fear of reprisal or fear of the tedious process of seeking justice in Kenya. Wisdom (1989) child abuse is manifested in various forms like sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and emotional. It is more likely that in Kenya not every suspicion or situation is child maltreatment. Abuse and neglect is reported to the authorities. As a result the number of reports likely under reprensents the number of result the number of reports likely urnder represents the number of children who actualy suffer from maltreatement, abuse and neglect. Nairobi African Network for the preventation and protection against chld abuse (2000) notes that many African communities, povety and lack of proper parentating skills play a major role in child maltreatment abuse and neglect ( Japheth, Daily Nation ). 2. 5 THE EFFECTS OF CHILD ABUSE ON PERFORMANCE IN ECDE. Network (2000) children suffering abuse develop arrange of maladaptive, anti-social and self-destructive behavior and thoughts by trying to cope with the abuse by trying to understand the situation and why the abuse is happening. They come up with ideas about what they did to cause the abuse and what they do differently to avoid the abuse. Children also develop a range of maladaptive behavior which can become pathological problems. It is likely that freezing and disassociates response behave demonstrated by some toddlers and pre-scholar are associated with maltreatment of these children. The study done response to maltreatment in which individuals separate their painful experiences from conscious awareness. The use of disassociation protects the children against overwhelming emotions and thoughts about maltreatment.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Pastoralism Is An Economy Based On Herding. Pastoralists Maintain Herd
Pastoralism is an economy based on herding. Pastoralists maintain herds of animals and use their products to support themselves directly and to exchange with other civilizations. It is especially associated with such terrain as steppes, rolling hills, grasslands, and the like-areas of low rainfall where cultivation is difficult without irrigation, but where grasses are plentiful enough to support herds of animals.1 Pastoralism was originally founded in the old world. Pastoralists are generally nomadic and usually follow their herds in search of food and water. Pastoral civilizations tend to be warlike and they have a difficult time trying to live at peace with settled agricultural populations. In areas where pastoralists and cultivators are in contact , the pastoralists generally have the advantage in prestige due to their superior military striking power.2 I will illustrate a few examples of pastoral groups that are warlike to prove that the first half of the statement is true. The Masai live among the wild animals on the rolling plains of the Rift Valley, one of the most beautiful parts of Africa.3 The Masai are strictly cattle herders. They do not farm the land, believing it to be a sacrilege to break the earth.3 In contrast to their peaceful and harminous relationship to the wildlife, however, the Masai are warlike in relationship to their neighboring tribes, conducting cattle raids where they take women as well as cattle for their prizes and they have been fiercely independent in resisting the attempts of colonial governments to change or subdue them.3 The amount of land that the Masai require for their enormous herds of cattle is not appreciated by people who use and value the land more for agriculture than for pasturage and for herds of wild animals. Many people view the Masai as thieves, but they do not believe in stealing material objects. They have strict laws against those that do steal material objects. They believe that when they raid other vill ages and steal their cattle it is seen as returning the cattle to their rightful owners. This belief stems from the notion that all cattle on the earth are theirs, and any cattle they do not presently own are only temporarily out of their care, and must be recaptured.3 It from the basic belief, an entire culture has grown. The ground or area that the cattle graze is considered sacred, everything from the grass the cattle eat to the water they drink. This is why that it is sacrilege for them to break the ground. The Indians of the Great Plains can be considered pastoral or nomadic group. They hunted the buffalo or bison on the plains. The buffalo regulated their lives, they followed the herds since it was their main source for food. They would move when the buffalo moved setting up camps with the herds. The Indians of the great plains were definitely warlike. They raided other tribes for women, horses, and food. They would extinguish anyone who crossed their land and attempted to raid their village. They performed war dances or ghost dances to get themselves prepared for war. The premise of warfare was common among all tribes on the Great Plains, but it goes hand in hand with the buffalo herds. The Hittites of Ancient Mesopotamia were a pastoral group that herded sheep, goats, and camel in the desert region located on the outskirts of Mesopotamia. They were one of the first nomadic groups to domestic the horse. Once they domesticated the horse it spelled doom for the groups in the surrounding areas. The Hittites could move farther and faster with their herds. They would destroy everything that got in the way of their herds. They destroyed several agricultural city-states and wiped out several cultures in the process. On the other hand it is true that pastoralist societies cannot live without agricultural societies because pastoralism is not a self-sufficient way of life. Pastoralism is a highly specialized form of food production involving the care of large animals. It has survived mostly in places which cannot support agriculture but can provide sufficient pasture for a herd, as well as secondary hunting-gathering opportunities. Even though they are nomadic pastoral societies tend to be more stratified and have more social
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Homogeneous Grouping
Is homogeneous grouping or heterogeneous grouping best for students? Wynne Harlen of the SCRE Center reviewed research on the effects of grouping pupils and found much ambiguity. In this article he states that research can produce enough evidence to support both types of grouping. He goes on to say this area is very difficult to research because of all the different variables that effect learning . The class size, ability range, teaching methods, materials, the attitude of the teacher towards grouping and the curriculum content are all variables that effect the performance of students. According to Wynne Harlen of the SCRE Center there is something to please everyone-some studies lend support to grouping by ability, some point in the opposite direction and many show that there is little difference that can be ascribed only to the type of grouping. The better question is which grouping best compliments a teacher’s style of teaching? The most effective teaching is when a teacher combines her personal style of teaching with professional knowledge within an environment comfortable for the students and the teacher. Research indicates the range and diversity of results when evaluating particular school environments is impressive. One type of grouping may be quite successful in some schools yet very disappointing in other schools. It appears that content of instruction and instructional strategies implemented by the teacher is the pivot point of learning. A well constructed program that brings students together in a safe learning environment seems to yield tangible results. Just as we should not judge students and label them it is just as important not to judge a teacher’s preference of grouping. Teachers are as different and unique as the students they teach. When given the opportunity to group according to preference teachers are more at ease and more competent in their ability to meet the ... Free Essays on Homogeneous Grouping Free Essays on Homogeneous Grouping Is homogeneous grouping or heterogeneous grouping best for students? Wynne Harlen of the SCRE Center reviewed research on the effects of grouping pupils and found much ambiguity. In this article he states that research can produce enough evidence to support both types of grouping. He goes on to say this area is very difficult to research because of all the different variables that effect learning . The class size, ability range, teaching methods, materials, the attitude of the teacher towards grouping and the curriculum content are all variables that effect the performance of students. According to Wynne Harlen of the SCRE Center there is something to please everyone-some studies lend support to grouping by ability, some point in the opposite direction and many show that there is little difference that can be ascribed only to the type of grouping. The better question is which grouping best compliments a teacher’s style of teaching? The most effective teaching is when a teacher combines her personal style of teaching with professional knowledge within an environment comfortable for the students and the teacher. Research indicates the range and diversity of results when evaluating particular school environments is impressive. One type of grouping may be quite successful in some schools yet very disappointing in other schools. It appears that content of instruction and instructional strategies implemented by the teacher is the pivot point of learning. A well constructed program that brings students together in a safe learning environment seems to yield tangible results. Just as we should not judge students and label them it is just as important not to judge a teacher’s preference of grouping. Teachers are as different and unique as the students they teach. When given the opportunity to group according to preference teachers are more at ease and more competent in their ability to meet the ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman the Magnificent (November 6, 1494–September 6, 1566) became the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1520, heralding the Golden Age of the Empires long history before his death. Perhaps best known for his overhaul of the Ottoman government during his reign, Suleiman was known by many names, including The LawGiver. His rich character and even richer contribution to the region and the Empire helped make it a source of great wealth in prosperity for years to come, ultimately leading to the foundation of several nations in Europe and the Middle East we know today. Fast Facts: Suleiman the Magnificent Known For: Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireAlso Known As: Kanunà ® Sultan Sà ¼leyman, Sultan Sà ¼leyman Han bin Selim Han, The Law Giver, Suleiman the FirstBorn: November 6, 1494 in Trabzon, Ottoman EmpireParents: Selim I, Hafsa SultanDied: September 6, 1566 in Szigetvr, Kingdom of Hungary, Habsburg MonarchyEducation: TopkapÄ ± Palace in ConstantinopleSpouse(s): Mahidevran Hatun (consort), Hà ¼rrem Sultan (consort and, later, wife)Children: Åžehzade Mahmud, Åžehzade Mustafa, Konya, Sehzade Murad, Åžehzade Mehmed, Åžehzade Abdullah, Sultan Selim II, Hagia Sophia Mosque), Åžehzade Bayezid, Qazvin, Şehzade Cihangir, Konya, Mihrimah Sultan, AyÅŸe Hà ¼maÅŸah Sultan, Sultanzade Mehmed Bey, Sultanzade Osman Bey, Raziye Sultan Early Life Suleiman was born the only surviving son of Sultan Selim I of the Ottoman Empire and Aishe Hafsa Sultan of the Crimean Khanate. As a child, he studied at the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul where he learned theology, literature, science, history, and warfare. He also became fluent in six languages there: Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Serbian, Chagatai Turkish (similar to Uighur), Farsi, and Urdu. Suleiman was fascinated by Alexander the Great in his youth and would later program military expansion that has been attributed to being inspired in part by Alexanders conquests. As sultan, Suleiman would lead 13 major military expeditions and spend more than 10 years of his 46-year reign out on campaigns. His father ruled quite successfully and left his son in a remarkably secure position with the Janissaries (members of the Sultans household troops) at the height of their usefulness; the Mamluks defeated; and the great maritime power of Venice, as well as the Persian Safavid Empire, humbled by the Ottomans. Selim also left his son a powerful navy, a first for a Turkic ruler. Ascent to the Throne Suleimans father entrusted his son with the governorships of different regions within the Ottoman Empire from the age of 17. When Suleiman was 26 in 1520, Selim I died and Suleiman ascended the throne. Although he was of age, his mother served as co-regent. The new sultan immediately launched his program of military conquest and imperial expansion. In 1521, he put down a revolt by the governor of Damascus, Canberdi Gazali. Suleimans father had conquered the area that is now Syria in 1516, using it as a wedge between the Mamluk sultanate and the Safavid Empire, where they had appointed Gazali as the governor. On January 27, 1521, Suleiman defeated Gazali, who died in battle. In July of the same year, the Sultan laid siege to Belgrade, a fortified city on the Danube River. He used both a land-based army and a flotilla of ships to blockade the city and prevent reinforcement. Belgrade, part of modern Serbia, belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary in Suleimans time. The city fell to Suleimans forces on August 29, 1521, removing the last obstacle to an Ottoman advance into Central Europe. Before he launched his major assault on Europe, Suleiman wanted to take care of an annoying gadfly in the Mediterranean- Christian holdovers from the Crusades, the Knights Hospitallers. This group, based on the Island of Rhodes, had been capturing Ottoman and other Muslim nations ships, stealing cargoes of grain and gold, and enslaving the crews. The Knights Hospitallers piracy even imperiled Muslims who set sail to make the haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca that is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Battling Oppressive Christian Regimes in Rhodes Selim I had tried and failed to dislodge the Knights in 1480. During the intervening decades, the Knights used Muslim slave labor to strengthen and reinforce their fortresses on the island in anticipation of another Ottoman siege. Suleiman sent out that siege in the form of an armada of 400 ships carrying at least 100,000 troops to Rhodes. They landed on June 26, 1522, and laid siege to the bastions full of 60,000 defenders representing various western European countries: England, Spain, Italy, Provence, and Germany. Meanwhile, Suleiman himself led an army of reinforcements on a march to the coast, reaching Rhodes in late July. It took nearly half a year of artillery bombardment and detonating mines under the triple-layer stone walls, but on December 22, 1522, the Turks finally forced all of the Christian knights and the civilian inhabitants of Rhodes to surrender. Suleiman gave the knights 12 days to gather their belongings, including weapons and religious icons, and leave the island on 50 ships provided by the Ottomans, with most of the knights immigrating to Sicily. The local people of Rhodes also received generous terms and had three years to decide whether they wanted to remain on Rhodes under the Ottoman rule or move elsewhere. They would pay no taxes for the first five years, and Suleiman promised that none of their churches would be converted into mosques. Most of them decided to stay when the Ottoman Empire took nearly complete control of the eastern Mediterranean. Into Europes Heartland Suleiman faced several additional crises before he was able to launch his attack into Hungary, but unrest among the Janissaries and a 1523 revolt by the Mamluks in Egypt proved to be only temporary distractions. In April 1526, Suleiman began the march to the Danube. On August 29, 1526, Suleiman defeated King Louis II of Hungary in the Battle of Mohacs and supported the nobleman John Zapolya as the next king of Hungary. But the Hapsburgs in Austria put forward one of their princes, Louis IIs brother-in-law Ferdinand. The Hapsburgs marched into Hungary and took Buda, placing Ferdinand on the throne and sparking a decades-long feud with Suleiman and the Ottoman Empire. In 1529, Suleiman marched on Hungary once more, taking Buda from the Hapsburgs and then continuing to besiege the Hapsburg capital at Vienna. Suleimans army of perhaps 120,000 reached Vienna in late September, without most of their heavy artillery and siege machines. On October 11 and 12 of that year, they attempted another siege against 16,000 Viennese defenders, but Vienna managed to hold them off once more and the Turkish forces withdrew. The Ottoman sultan did not give up on the idea of taking Vienna, but his second attempt in 1532 was similarly hampered by rain and mud and the army never even reached the Hapsburg capital. In 1541, the two empires went to war again when the Hapsburgs laid siege to Buda, trying to remove Suleimans ally from the Hungarian throne. The Hungarians and Ottomans defeated the Austrians, and captured additional Hapsburg holdings in 1541 and again in 1544. Ferdinand was forced to renounce his claim to be king of Hungary and had to pay tribute to Suleiman, but even as all of these events happened to the north and west of Turkey, Suleiman also had to keep an eye on his eastern border with Persia. War With the Safavids The Safavid Persian Empire that ruled much of southwestern Asia was one of the Ottomans great rivals and a fellow gunpowder empire. Its ruler, Shah Tahmasp, sought to extend Persian influence by assassinating the Ottoman governor of Baghdad and replacing him with a Persian puppet, and by convincing the governor of Bitlis in eastern Turkey to swear allegiance to the Safavid throne. Suleiman, busy in Hungary and Austria, sent his grand vizier with a second army to retake Bitlis in 1533, which also seized Tabriz, in present-day northeastern Iran, from the Persians. Suleiman himself returned from his second invasion of Austria and marched into Persia in 1534, but the Shah refused to meet the Ottomans in open battle, withdrawing into the Persian desert and using guerrilla hits against the Turks instead. Suleiman retook Baghdad and was reconfirmed as the true caliph of the Islamic world. From 1548 to 1549, Suleiman decided to overthrow his Persian gadfly for good and launched a second invasion of the Safavid Empire. Once more, Tahmasp refused to participate in a pitched battle, this time leading the Ottoman army up into the snowy, rugged terrain of the Caucasus Mountains. The Ottoman sultan gained territory in Georgia and the Kurdish borderlands between Turkey and Persia but was unable to come to grips with the Shah. The third and final confrontation between Suleiman and Tahmasp took place from 1553 to 1554. As always, the Shah avoided open battle, but Suleiman marched into the Persian heartland and laid it to waste. Shah Tahmasp finally agreed to sign a treaty with the Ottoman sultan, in which he got control of Tabriz in exchange for promising to cease border raids on Turkey and to permanently relinquish his claims to Baghdad and the rest of Mesopotamia. Maritime Expansion Descendants of Central Asian nomads, the Ottoman Turks were not historically a naval power. Nonetheless, Suleimans father established an Ottoman seafaring legacy in the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and even the Indian Ocean beginning in 1518. During Suleimans reign, Ottoman ships traveled to Mughal Indias trading ports, and the sultan exchanged letters with the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great. The sultans Mediterranean fleet patrolled the sea under the command of the famous Admiral Heyreddin Pasha, known in the west as Barbarossa. Suleimans navy also managed to drive troublesome newcomers to the Indian Ocean system, the Portuguese, out of a key base at Aden on the coast of Yemen in 1538. However, the Turks were unable to dislodge the Portuguese from their toeholds along the west coasts of India and Pakistan. Suleiman the Lawgiver Suleiman the Magnificent is remembered in Turkey as Kanuni, the LawGiver. He completely overhauled the formerly piecemeal Ottoman legal system, and one of his first acts was to lift the embargo on trade with the Safavid Empire, which hurt Turkish traders at least as much as it did Persian ones. He decreed that all Ottoman soldiers would pay for any food or other property they took as provisions while on a campaign, even while in enemy territory. Suleiman also reformed the tax system, dropping extra taxes imposed by his father and establishing a transparent tax rate system that varied according to peoples income. Hiring and firing within the bureaucracy would be based on merit, rather than on the whims of higher officials or family connections. All Ottoman citizens, even the highest, were subject to the law. Suleimans reforms gave the Ottoman Empire a recognizably modern administration and legal system more than 450 years ago. He instituted protections for Christian and Jewish citizens of the Ottoman Empire, denouncing blood libels against the Jews in 1553 and freeing Christian farm laborers from serfdom. Succession Suleiman the Magnificent had two official wives and an unknown number of additional concubines, so he bore many offspring. His first wife, Mahidevran Sultan, bore him his eldest son, an intelligent and talented boy named Mustafa. His second wife, a former Ukrainian concubine named Hurrem Sultan, was the love of Suleimans life and gave him seven sons. Hurrem Sultan knew that according to the rules of the harem,​ if Mustafa became sultan he would have all of her sons killed to prevent them from trying to overthrow him. She started a rumor that Mustafa was interested in ousting his father from the throne, so in 1553 Suleiman summoned his eldest son to his tent in an army camp and had the 38-year-old strangled to death. This left the path clear for Hurrem Sultans first son Selim to come to the throne. Unfortunately, Selim had none of the good qualities of his half-brother and is remembered in history as Selim the Drunkard. Death In 1566, the 71-year-old Suleiman the Magnificent led his army on a final expedition against the Hapsburgs in Hungary. The Ottomans won the Battle of Szigetvar on September 8, 1566, but Suleiman died of a heart attack the previous day. His officials did not want word of his death to distract and discomfit his troops, so they kept it a secret for a month and a half while the Turkish troops finalized their control of the area. Suleimans body was prepared for transport back to Constantinople. To keep it from putrefying, the heart and other organs were removed and buried in Hungary. Today, a Christian church and a fruit orchard stand in the area where Suleiman the Magnificent, greatest of the Ottoman sultans, left his heart on the battlefield. Legacy Suleiman the Magnificent vastly expanded the size and significance of the Ottoman Empire and launched a Golden Age in Ottoman arts. Achievements in the areas of literature, philosophy, art, and architecture had a major impact on both Eastern and Western styles. Some of the buildings constructed during his empire still stand today, including edifices designed by Mimar Sinan. Sources Clot, Andrà ©Ã‚ (1992). Suleiman the Magnificent: The Man, His Life, His Epoch. London: Saqi Books. ISBN 978-0-86356-126-9.The Sultans., V.J. â€Å"Sà ¼leyman the Magnificent.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 23 Nov. 2018.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Texas Judiciary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Texas Judiciary - Assignment Example The police detective, Roberts, went beyond the normal limit when interrogating a murder suspect, Mr. Wilson. The detective used falsified records to show that the appellant had been involved in the murder through a fingerprints report. According to the detective, the prints were found on the magazine of the murder weapon. In this way, the detective lured the appellant into the confession that he indeed shot the victim. The trial judge refused to drop the evidence and denied the appellant request to recant the confession. The appellant court found out that the detective was in violation of the Texas Penal Code section 37.09 that inhibit the officers from using fabricated reports to get confessions from suspects. In addition, the court found out that the trial judge erred in admitting the evidence since it was inadmissible under clause 38.23 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Despite the decision, several judges dissented on the opinion that detectives are faced with a hard task of bal ancing the societal concerns and the rights granted by the Constitution The fact that the appellant confessed the murder is enough to convict him otherwise the state would risk setting the guilty free due to the interrogation methods. If I were a judge, I would concur with the dissenters since the fact that the appellant confessed to a murder could be a starting point to get the reliability of the evidence. Fingerprints are unique and thus the appellant could not have confessed if he was pretty sure that he had not used the murder weapon.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
New Business Concept Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
New Business Concept - Assignment Example They are able to procure furniture at significantly lower price compared to regular purchases of furniture. The nearby resident area where apartment sprawl in numbers are the main target market of Furniture Unlimited. The target market being apartment dwellers belongs in the lower middle class segment and therefore is sensitive to price which is advantageous to Furniture Unlimited because its furniture are more cost effective compared to the regular price of furniture. Its proximity to the market is also advantageous in reducing cost as freight expense will be relatively lower due to the short distance of the business to the market. If the customer is sensitive to cost, they could get the most value to their money because many of the furniture sold are heavily discounted it being a second hand. They also have a choice of low priced brand new furniture with the same advantage of procuring them at lower cost. Furnitures Unlimited will differentiate from its competitors in terms of pricing. Its target market are apartment dwellers who are price sensitive and it will make the business more attractive to this market segment by lowering its price significantly. This can be done by offering more choice of excellent quality second hand furniture at prices which customers cannot compete. Competitors who would engage in price war with Furniture Unlimited cannot compete because the furniture were bought at a discount while theirs were bought at a premium, it being brand new. The company set up shall Limited Liability Corporation to protect its owners from liability in case the company will not be successful. It will be managed both by John and Alex. John being a business major will serve as the general manager and will oversee the business. Alex is a furniture expert who would ensure that the second hand furniture sold to customers are still of excellent
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Perfect Cowboy Birthday Essay Example for Free
The Perfect Cowboy Birthday Essay This party is to welcome this man to adulthood by celebrating it with his favorite theme. He will enjoy the festivities and appreciate the efforts made by his family and friends. The strengths of this theme include the readily available props and decorative items for the theme. There are many places to purchase the items to decorate the bar for this theme. The weaknesses in this theme include the commonality of it. It is rather difficult to come up with something new and original in a theme that has been done repeatedly.  The opportunities presented with this idea are to reach back into the days of the cowboy and create a scene from the past. The threats involved include danger of some guests becoming intoxicated and having accidents after leaving the party.            The party will take place as a surprise party to celebrate Jerry’s twenty-first birthday. It will be held at the local bar, which h as been reserved by Jerry’s girlfriend for a private party. This avoids issues with other bar patrons who may not like the party atmosphere. A number of his friends and family will be invited to help Jerry celebrate his birthday.  The party will take place on the Saturday evening following Jerry’s birthday to avoid the need for him to have to go to work the next day.  The bar will be decorated with saddles, blankets, hay, cowboy boots and other items to fulfill the theme. All of the guests were asked to dress for the part to make Jerry feel like he is part of one of the western movies he greatly enjoys. In order to maintain a specific budget, a maximum dollar amount was given to the owners of the bar along with a selected menu and estimated number of guests. The meal of steak, beans, corn bread, hot dogs and other traditional cowboy foods was selected. The food and cowboy themed cake will all be prepared by the staff at the bar within the selected budget. Games will be included and prepared by planning staff and jerry’s friends. The activities will include games such as cowboy themed charades and role playing games about Jerry’s favorite cowboy movies and events in his past. After these a cowboy dance group will come in to do a performance for Jerry and his guests. The evening will be topped off with a variety of drink selections to end the wine and dine ceremony and officially welcome Jerry to adulthood.            The risk assessment team met and expressed a few concerns with the plans. Originally one of the planned activities was to rent a mechanical bull. The committee felt this was far too dangerous especially if alcohol was involved with the party. For this reason this item was removed from the plan. The committee expressed concern with the younger party guests being present during the alcohol portion of the party and with guests leaving and driving after drinking. Upon taking these suggestions the under-age guests will be taken to Jerry’s home nearby by a friend where they can enjoy activities without concern of drinking or being involved in this activity. Designated drivers will be present and in charge of all car keys to ensure safety of party guests. The bar has passed all health and safety inspections and has adequate liability insurance to cover any accidents on the premises. All applicable copyrights have been applied for.            All care has been taken to make sure that Jerry becomes an adult in the most exciting and enjoyable way possible. He has always liked cowboys and his girlfriend has gone to great lengths to make sure that his party has all of the elements to make sure it is the most realistic cowboy birthday possible.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Use And Abuse Of History :: essays research papers
The Use and Abuse of History By Friedrich Nietzsche Forward "Incidentally, I despise everything which merely instructs me without increasing or immediately enlivening my activity." These are Goethe's words. With them, as with a heartfelt expression of Ceterum censeo [I judge otherwise], our consideration of the worth and the worthlessness of history may begin. For this work is to set down why, in the spirit of Goethe's saying, we must seriously despise instruction without vitality, knowledge which enervates activity, and history as an expensive surplus of knowledge and a luxury, because we lack what is still most essential to us and because what is superfluous is hostile to what is essential. To be sure, we need history. But we need it in a manner different from the way in which the spoilt idler in the garden of knowledge uses it, no matter how elegantly he may look down on our coarse and graceless needs and distresses. That is, we need it for life and action, not for a comfortable turning away from life and action or merely for glo ssing over the egotistical life and the cowardly bad act. We wish to use history only insofar as it serves living. But there is a degree of doing history and a valuing of it through which life atrophies and degenerates. To bring this phenomenon to light as a remarkable symptom of our time is every bit as necessary as it may be painful. I have tried to describe a feeling which has often enough tormented me. I take my revenge on this feeling when I expose it to the general public. Perhaps with such a description someone or other will have reason to point out to me that he also knows this particular sensation but that I have not felt it with sufficient purity and naturalness and definitely have not expressed myself with the appropriate certainty and mature experience. Perhaps one or two will respond in this way. However, most people will tell me that this feeling is totally wrong, unnatural, abominable, and absolutely forbidden, that with it, in fact, I have shown myself unworthy of the powerful historical tendency of the times, as it has been, by common knowledge, observed for the past two generations, particularly among the Germans. Whatever the reaction, now that I dare to expose myself with this natural description of my feeling, common decency will be fostered rather than shamed, because I am providing many oppor tunities for a contemporary tendency like the reaction just mentioned to make polite pronouncements.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Imformative speech Essay
Introduction Hasn’t everyone at some point in their life been peered pressured. Teenagers all across America face it every day. It ranges from cheating on a test to robbing a convenient store. Peer pressure is a serious life situation that everyone encounters at a certain point in their life. And let’s face it, just say no is not always that easy. Attention Gainer YouTube video, peer pressure. Reason to Listen/Credibility Peer pressure exists for all ages. Three-year-old Robert insists that his mother take him to the store right away and buy him the latest fad toy because his friends have it. When she doesn’t, he has a temper tantrum. Nine-year-old Sarah wears a new shirt to school once, then refuses to wear it again because her friends made fun if it. Jeff, at sixteen, works out three hours a day to have a â€Å"perfect†body. When one of his friends at the gym offers him some anabolic steroids, he accepts, sacrificing his health for his image. Meanwhile, Jeff’s forty-year-old father just took out a loan he couldn’t afford to buy a new BMW because most of his neighbors drive luxury cars, and he didn’t want them to think he couldn’t afford one too. No one is immune from peer pressure. Source: 3 Preview Statement The word â€Å"peer†according to is one belonging to the same social group especially based on age, grade or status. The word â€Å"pressure†is described as the burden of physical mental distress. Peer pressure is basically encouraging people similar to you to make certain choices, take certain actions or perform in some specific way. I will talk about three different kinds of peer pressure substance abuse, emotional, and positive forms of peer pressure. II. Body First Main Point The number one form of peer pressure is substance abuse. Tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs are all substances that teenagers are pressured into using and abusing. Most teenagers who try alcohol do so around the age of 13, 8 years before the legal drinking age. The American Lung Association reports 3.1 million teenagers smoke. Approximately 30% of teenagers are offered, given or sold drugs in highs school or in middle school. These are some very disturbing statistics. When you give in to pressure you’re letting down those around you who thought they knew you better. When your own sense of self and the admiration of those around you are very important things to consider, you also need to think about more serious consequences of peer pressure. Alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs are all addicting. They are dangerous to your health in many ways and are often hard to quit once you have become dependent upon them. These substances can lead to negative consequences such as cancer, drug overdose and even death. Source: 4 Second Main Point Second, one of the most emotional peer pressures we face is related to image ; the way we dress our height, our weight, how we act, and who we hang out with. These are all things that define us that we can ultimately be pressured into changing. Bullying and teasing go hand in hand with how we feel about ourselves. Self-esteem gives a huge blow when peer pressure causes us to change who we are. It is all about fitting in. that’s the number one thing why we yield to peer pressure. Teenagers are naturally afraid of rejection. They want to feel like they belong and that they are cool. While it’s perfectly normal to want to fit in, it doesn’t mean you have to change who you are or sacrifice your beliefs and your values. When you give in to peer pressure you lose yourself. You are giving up your free will and your voice and falling through the cracks just to be like somebody else Third Main Point A final peer pressure were going to discuss is positive forms of peer pressure. We know that peer pressure means encouraging people similar to us to do certain things, but it doesn’t always have to be bad. Some good forms of peer pressure include encouraging your friends to participate in sports or other activities, or even volunteering together. Convincing someone to tell the truth, helping someone with homework or encouraging kids at school to come to church are all very positive forms of peer pressure. Peer pressure is not always bad. It can help you analyze yourself and contemplate on your ways of life. Some of the practices that the masses follow may 5 actually teach you the way of living. You may be able to change yourself for the better. Looking at what others do, can help you bring about a positive change in your way of thinking. If you can pick selectively, peer pressure can actually result in a positive change in your way of life. III. Conclusion Recap/Summary These three kinds of peer pressure happen to everyone at some point, substance abuse, emotional, and positive forms of peer pressure. Whether everyone or no one caves in we all have been peer pressured or will be in all these ways. This summarizes this informative speech. C. Audience Imprint 6 Bibliography
Saturday, November 9, 2019
linguistic feature in fairy tale
Once upon a time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..these four little words reverberates in the souls of the children and flies their little mind into the imaginative world of magic, fairies, demons, witches, talking wolf who is always ready to capture small and pretty children in its enthralling and devilish jaws. These words squeeze the heart of the children while taking them into the world of fantasy. These words are the starting point of the fairy tales that children love to hear and enjoys every moment of it. They have a universal appeal and are timeless, though depicting the culture of the time in which they are written. The fairy tales are unique in themselves and their uniqueness lies in the distinctive and thematic appeal with which they carry themselves. Despite their typical approach there is an ample scope for creativity and inculcate within children the values that are landed from generation to generation in their innocent world. Several types of narrative styles and techniques form the part of fairy tails, yet all are distinct especially in the relationship which is developed between writer and audience. The genre lies in teaching the children and adults alike putting them into the textual journey before it starts. The basic characteristic of the fairy tale lies in the approach which the writers take in exploiting the narrative and linguistic features to the full capacity. The traditional folk tales which used to belong to oral traditions used to depend on their exceptional characteristics like prosodic phonology, intonation, the use of pauses, rhythm, the different qualities of voice, as well as on paralinguistic codes, among which gestures, mimicry, eye contact etc. Though written narratives cannot imply all these yet have developed their own independent style of narration. (Bruti, â€Å"Which narrative features†, 1999, para.17) The narrative form is encoded in a linguistic form by the use of the initial/final fixed phrases. (Bruti, â€Å"Which narrative features†, 1999, para.16). The linguistic forms further depend in the genre and on the readers for which they are written. The main role of the linguistic form is to provide information with evidences in form of tales. One of the fixed phrases lies in the tradition of the opening and closing formula, a typical example of which is â€Å"Once upon a time†and â€Å"lived happily ever after†. These expressions associate the closeness between writer and children. It creates enthusiasm among the readers and suspends their disbelief in world of fantasy in which the writer is taking them, for e.g. talking of animals, princess turning into frog unless Prince comes to kiss her and bring her to original human form etc. Besides these ritual formulas, the linguistic features include the maximum use of repetitions for making expressions and for the events to unfold. The repetition helps in the easy understanding of the texts, which reflects the mark of the oral tradition. Other basic linguistic features are the redundant structures and they also found similarity to the oral narratives.  Ellipsis and co-ordination is the characteristic feature of redundant structure, which evolves due to the fact that writers write the stories from the children angle and organizes the information in such a manner that they brings out the actual knowledge that should be imbibed to the children. The other beauty of the fairly tale is the absence of detailed description. The physical description of characters is given more prominence then going deep into their nature and inner attributes. This is done to give semantic clarity and uniqueness. And in many fairy tales characters never change physically for e.g. If the y are young, they will ever remain young. The author can give in many cases some spatial or temporal information, for e.g. The case of hyperbolic distances like, he rode on a horse for thousands miles. Writers also have full scope for temporal deviations that means they can temporarily deviate from the original path to put the excitement and enthusiasm among the readers with the help of creating the impact of visualizations. Another feature that gives punch to the story is the impulse of the protagonists that is directly heard, and which derives him or her to comment and unfold the events taking place to create the influence on the readers. This feature is called as a Conative function, which according to dictionary means mental process or behavior directed towards action or change and including impulse, desire, volition, and striving. The tenses are used frequently in the narration. The Tenses may be either â€Å"commutative†or â€Å"narrative†: A commutative attitude comes with the involvement of the speaker, and his addressees. Narrative verb brings about detached attitude. Tenses are also classified into two categories, the retrospective, which depicts the past events, and the perspective, which takes the readers to the future. Then the verbs are also used to describe the background actions. In fairy tales, that exclusively needs to be notified is about the content or we call the theme which is ordinary i.e. it shows the reality of the life and reality of the world but its beauty lies in the context of fiction and fantasy where it is fitted which makes it more interesting and enthusiastic for the readers. It implies on the ordinary daily objects too like a mirror in which we look at ourselves. It shows the beauty of the princess but this mirror is used in a Snow White as a magic mirror having powers to show the witch her ugliness and update her about the Snow white. In many fairy tales like in the Danish fantastic tales for children, which as told in , Den fantastiske fortà ¦lling i dansk borne literatur 1967 – 2003 , there is an extensive use of figurative language, specially natural metaphors and playing with the popular phrases and clichà ©s. There is also distinguish between two traditions in fantastic tales, one is content oriented epic tradition and the other is language oriented experimental tradition.  The first trend is more communicative and the second trend included language that is easily grasped and makes an exclusive sense to the readers. There are also linguistic games and digressions, meta-linguistic elements, which more focus on the communicative style but not the content. (Centre for Children's Literature, Denmark). Fairy tales are part of the children's lives, and their world. They immerse in the children the sense of belongingness to the Supernatural elements and rejuvenate their souls and give them encouragement. Though the prince, snow white, little red ridding hood, tough princess are all fictions but are part of the children's life so the language of these fairy tales is the language of the children. References 1. Bruti Silvia, November 1999. Approaching Writing Skills through Fairy Tales, The Internet,  TESL Journal Vol. V, No. 11, (Online). Available:  (11 March 2007) 2. Centre for Children's Literature, Denmark. Center for bornelitteratur. (Online). Available: (11 March 2007) 3. Godard Barbara, 1979. Crawford's Fairy Tales, SCL/ELC Volume 4.1 1979 (Online). Available:;filename=godard.htmhttp://ww (11 March 2007) 4. Hà ©bert Louis, 2006. The Functions of Language, in Louis Hà ©bert, (dir.), Signo [on-line]      Rimouski (Quebec), (Online). Available: (11 March 2007) ;
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Distributed Spanning Tree Algorithm essays
Distributed Spanning Tree Algorithm essays The Distributed Spanning Tree Algorithm (DSTA from now on...) is used to make sure that you dont get a loop when you set up your network in a loop form, if that makes any sense. Okay, when you set up a network you want it to be reliable, and setting it up in a loop form allows it to have multiple routes to get to each separate computer (node of the tree). But you cant allow it to use all of the nodes at once because if it completes the loop (the information gets back to the computer that sent it) there can be an error. What the DSTA does is find out the shortest path that will reach to every computer and mark that as the root path. That path will remain open and then the DSTA finds the shortest paths from the root path to all the other computers and it closes down all the other unneeded ports so that it doesnt complete a loop. All right, this is how it works: first off, each bridge sends a message out of each of its ports. This message sets the bridge's id as root-bridge and as a transmitter and has 0 as its cost. This message is saved at each port as the configuration for that port and as the configuration for the bridge. When a message is received at a port, if its better than the current configuration of the port, it becomes the new configuration of this port. If that port becomes the port with the best configuration out of all the ports on that particular bridge, it is said to be the root-port of the bridge and is set to be an active port. The configuration of the root-port is changed to a transmitting port, and the cost is incremented by one. If this is better than the overall configuration of the bridge, it becomes the new configuration of the bridge. After this comparison, the new configuration is compared to the configurations of all the non-root ports. If the configuration of one of these n on-root ports is worse than the configuration of that bridge, the port it is changed to active. It do...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Books Every Student Should Read -
Books Every Student Should Read Books Every Student Should Read When college students become intently focused on their classes and working towards their degrees, many wonderful things happen. For one thing, students begin developing their critical thinking skills at a rapid pace. They learn to form ideas and opinions, interact with others in discussions about those ideas and opinions, and ultimately improve and modify their opinions and ideas based on these interactions. College students also spend a lot of time reading and absorbing information that is directly related to their studies. On one hand, this is a good thing. They are learning and absorbing the information that they need to learn. On the other hand, this doesn't leave much time for other reading. This is a shame, because there are so many books that college students should be reading that can teach them life lessons, inspire them, or simply provide a bit of reprieve. So, we have decided to step away from our 'day job' of providing research paper, essay, thesis, and dissertation writi ng help to go over a few books that we believe every college student should read. Fish Author: Steven Lundin When we began discussing this book, one of our staff members recalled her first flight on Southwest Airlines. The flight attendant was giving the standard instructions about emergency exits, oxygen masks, and flotation devices. Then, at the end of the presentation the flight attendant began to offer some additional advice. She began, ' for those of you who are traveling with children...' '...bummer.' Her perfectly timed, dead-pan delivery earned her laughs from both the passengers and the crew. The loudest laughs actually came from the parents she had targeted. If you have ever wondered where the famously irreverent culture at Southwest originates, the answer is this book. It is based on a woman who comes to the realization that among other things people must find a way to have fun at work. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Author: Stephen Covey This is a classic, but still amazingly relevant book that provides its readers with action steps that one can take at any age to achieve their goals. Students who are looking for very specific information on improving their lives can definitely learn from this book. The Automatic Millionaire Author: David Bach Many students don't realize that they can begin building wealth right now. David Bach provides many tips in his book that go well beyond the typical advice that students receive about financial issues. Some of his advice includes living below your means and directing money towards valuable purchases that benefit the entire family. The Tao of Pooh Author: Benjamin Hoff It is easy to envision Winnie the Pooh as an adorable literary character who has delighted children for decades, but are you ready to view the adorable bear as an Eastern philosopher? The Tao of Pooh asks you to do just that, and in turn provides amazing perspective. If it sounds unrealistic, take a moment to consider the characters. Piglet worries, Rabbit micromanages, Owl detaches, and Tigger acts out. Pooh simply is.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Written Business Communication (Original Posting #2) Assignment
Written Business Communication (Original Posting #2) - Assignment Example ve and decode a written work and writer’s ability to address the needs and offer solutions or hope and strategies for obtaining solutions facilitate this motivator role. It is also important to visualize the audience because this helps to identify characteristics of the audience that can facilitate or hinder communication. A writer can then major on identified strengths and manage weaknesses for effective communication. Understanding individual aspects such as physiological, psychological, and cognitive factors is an example of visualization and help in planning approach to writing. The audience’s external environment such as effects of culture is another factor whose understanding empowers a writer’s communication potentials (Youssef, 2005). Applying an open approach to communication can facilitate visualization if a writer does not know the audience. Targeting a larger audience base in terms of age, gender, educational background, and work orientation is an example because it assumes a wider general knowledge of the audience and increases possibility of identifying with people’s needs or interests (Ghosh, 2012). Being sensitive is another way through which a writer can achieve audience visualization, without knowing the audience, because it only needs identification of the targeted population segment and the different traits towards effective communication can be
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Carbon dioxide emissions from existing housing stock Essay
Carbon dioxide emissions from existing housing stock - Essay Example The world community today has become increasingly conscious about the way we should treat our environment while carrying out routine jobs and business activities. The gaining popularity of green buildings, green technology and green standards of living are an indication towards the increasing consciousness for reducing the usage of substances harmful to the nature. The existing housing stock is another cause of worry for the environmentalist for couple of reasons. This study is an effort to look into the extent of carbon dioxide gases released by the housing stock and how some concerned citizens and organisations have taken up the task of minimising these emissions. Boardman (2007) contends that, "Of the homes we will inhabit in 2050, around 80 percent are already standing today and these have to be the main focus of carbon-reduction policies". This study is an effort to analyse the statement in right earnest and to understand the severity of the dangerous proportions it may acquire if we do not take the requisite steps for our future generations. In UK alone about a quarter of all carbon emissions are stated to be emanating out of the domestic building stocks1. This has resulted into efforts towards environment friendly housing. ... for Urban Design Information (RUDI) an independent body catering to the needs of researchers in the field of urban design and place-making, predicts that, UK might fall 'drastically short' of long-term targets towards reducing emissions without urgent action to cut carbon dioxide output from homes2. The Global Trends UK is not the only country facing the ill effects of carbon emissions. The Energy Information Administration, EIA (2008), a US government agency has come out with startling statistics pointing out the sources of carbon emissions in different parts of the world. As per the report from EIA titled, 'International Energy Outlook 2008', Carbon dioxide happens to be the most abundant anthropogenic (human-caused) greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Though studies point out that about 82 percent of the greenhouse gases are because of the energy consumption by the people and industries, but the EIA study points out that3 the building sector contributed to more than 48 percent of carbon emissions since 1990. This is an indication towards how the rapid pace of globalisation and industrialisation is adversely affecting the ecological balance around us. OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group of 30 industrialised nations like USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Japan, Korea e tc, has been the torch-bearers of globalisation and industrial activities. The EIA report indicates that 'Carbon dioxide emissions per capita in the OECD economies are significantly higher than in the non-OECD economies (Figure). The figures indicate that if things continue with the existing pace the situation might be headed to uncertain times for the humanity. While the projected increase in the carbon emissions per capita is almost similar in OECD and non-OECD nations, the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Property Law - Essay Example The law of England and Wales permits a person to transfer his interest in property to others after fulfilment of certain conditions in accordance with law. It happens if a person dies intestate, bankrupt, or the property taken in execution of a court judgment for auction to generate the proceeds towards appropriation of liabilities (Clarke & Kohler 129). Donation ‘mortis causa’ in conventional terms is considered as a gift to someone in anticipation of the death of its maker. The transfer of property is conditional or in other words, rests with the recipient immediately subject to the condition that the will giver’s death occurs shortly (Harpum, et al 72). c) The cited gentlemen landed in the jungles of Borneo. They passed the jungle to celebrate the birthday of John in shack. During the stay at night, they heard horrible noises outside their house, which scared John. They were in fear of being attacked that would cause their death. Therefore, John handed over a bunch of keys of his house to Tim, car and a Cheque to Tim. f) Ben, the ultimate beneficiary, knew nothing about what was going on. Tim and the rest of the team members on their way to hospital in an ambulance for the treatment of John met with an accident wherein Tim was killed. b) The second deficiency is that John only handed over the keys of his house, car and not transferred it in the name of John. The Cheque given to John was not in favour of John to draw the amount through his bank account. In order to have a valid possession of the mentioned moveable and immoveable properties, Tim should have signed the deed. c) The third deficiency, the copyright of text book on property law, was not assigned to John, and the share certificates were not transferred in the name of John that were kept with the solicitor of Tim. e) As far as the rights of moveable and immoveable properties of John are concerned, according to new will
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Critical Pedagogy Is Very Broad Education Essay
Critical Pedagogy Is Very Broad Education Essay The literature of critical pedagogy is very broad indeed and contains dense information. In fact, the political perspective of critical pedagogy towards the curriculum contributes much to creating abundant scholarships in the field. In addition, as many authors perceive, critical pedagogy lacks a set of definite principles; which makes the process of setting a unified definition of its premises so challenging. Still, the implementation of aspects of critical pedagogy in the classroom setting can have wide scale results on the teaching process as a whole. Hence, it is important to give a brief examination of the literature of critical pedagogy, an analysis of its core principles, and an investigation of the critique directed against its assumptions. By virtue of being critical, critical pedagogy and critical thinking share some common grounds. However, despite the existence of the critical stance in both disciplines, there are broad differences between them. One of these differences is related to the expectation of action in each discipline. In its emphasis on analysis and deep interpretation, critical thinking does not necessitate any action to achieve social change. On the other hand, the principles of critical pedagogy aim at creating a social action that comes mainly through educational practices. Another important difference has to do with the scope of interest of each discipline. Critical thinking is, by definition, individualistic and largely ignores the collective relations. Critical pedagogy, on the other hand, is more concerned with corporate action; that is why, as Burbules and Berk suggest, in critical pedagogy individual criticality is intimately linked to social criticality (55-56). Critical pedagogy might also be thought of as an extension of critical theory. Both critical theory and critical pedagogy employ their strategies with view at obliterating the hegemonic collective standards and paradigms. However, critical pedagogy is different from critical theory in the fact that it is mainly an educational philosophy that reacts towards the oppressive systems in the educational arena. The primary concern of critical pedagogy in this aspect is with issues that have to do with maintaining equal opportunities and establishing dialogical mode of discourse. As Burbules and Berk put it in the language of critical pedagogy, the critical person is one who is empowered to seek justice, to seek emancipation (50). Collins also describes the framework of critical pedagogy as being realistically involved in enlarging the sites within our institutions where genuine, noncoercive dialogue and reasonable opposition to oppressive bureaucratic controls can emerge (63). This proves that critical pedagogy involves an entirely new orientation that departs from traditional models of education and embraces a number of principles that may not be familiar in the generic pedagogical systems. The basic characteristic that separates critical pedagogy from other approaches is its celebration of social justice and emancipation. In addition, a critical approach to pedagogy is distinguished by an emphasis on dialogic interactions with view at giving equal opportunities for all voices. Critical pedagogy values the students experiences and locates these experiences at the centre of the learning process. The mission of critical pedagogy is more complex than it seems to be, and its scope encompasses a plethora of pedagogical approaches and practices. In Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Social Foundations of Education, McLaren points out that critical pedagogy aims at investigating, questioning and changing the relationship among different factors in the learning experience. These factors include classroom teaching, the structure of the school, and the social relations with the community. This imposes a great task on the critical pedagogue as he has to take into account a wide range of social and educational variables in his work (26-28). Critical pedagogy has its roots in Paulo Freire who is generally considered to be the inaugural philosopher of critical pedagogy (McLaren, Paulo 1). Although at first Freire dedicated his efforts to issues related to literacy in Brazil, his philosophy expanded gradually to embrace a cornucopia of social and educational issues that have been the object of criticism. In Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage, Freire pointed out that what he called for was not merely a pedagogical method; rather, it was a strategy of living within the educational system (67). McLaren observes that the bottom-line of Freires pedagogy is to establish a non-hegemonic approach that is based on dialogue and interaction (McLaren, Paulo 2). This clearly shows the political dimensions of Freires philosophy. Freire actually stressed the importance of incorporating social and political critiques in the curriculum. This explains why his approach promotes a liberatory form of education that emphasizes emancipation and rejects all forms of oppression and domestication. In The Politics of Education, Freire maintains that the learning process should take into consideration two essential dimensions. The first is the context of authentic dialogue between learners and educators (49). The dialogue will empower students to move toward becoming knowing subjects and they will develop a relationship with the teacher in which one knowing subject [is] face to face with other knowing subjects (49). For Freire, by employing authentic dialogue in the teaching process, education becomes pedagogy of knowing rather than an experience of narration sickness (Freire, Oppressed 57). However, Freire warns that the dialogic process should not be reduced to simple to-and-fro questions that may also become tedious and sterile. Instead, there should be a focus on creating interaction between students and teachers in problematizing knowledge. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the teacher to inspire students to move forward within this critical practice (Freire, Freedom 80). The second dimension that should be considered in the learning process is the social realities in which students live. Freire states that authentic thinking, thinking that is concerned about the world is concerned with reality, and does not take place in ivory tower isolation, but only in communication (Freire, Oppressed 64). This suggests that earning should be connected to the realities of students lives. Otherwise, by ignoring these realities, educators will be creating divisions that make difficult the construction of our ideals of change and transformation (Freire, Freedom 55). A very influential concept in Freires philosophy is that of praxis. Freires praxis, which delineates critical reflection and action, entails the application of educational practices and philosophies to create a better educational experience. To this end, students should be viewed as active participants in the teaching process and in the formulation of teaching methods. They are engaged in what Simon calls a transformative critique of their everyday lives (Simon, Teaching 60). The teachers role here resides in encouraging students to get involved in reflection on their worlds so as to assist them in engaging in critical consciousness. For Freire, the development of critical consciousness in the student can be attained by means of implementing what he called the problem-posing model of education. Freire proposed this model as a counterpart to the banking system of education dominating the educational institutions. He asserts that the banking system fosters domination and oppression, whereas the problem-posing mode promotes liberation and democracy. He goes on to claim that whereas banking education anesthetizes and inhibits creative power, problem-posing education involves a constant unveiling of reality. The former attempts to maintain the submersion of consciousness; the latter strives for the emergence of consciousness and critical intervention in reality. (Freire Oppressed 68). Freires philosophy of education was adopted and modified by various writers. The most prominent figure in this aspect is Ira Shor, who was mainly influenced by Freire. In his Critical Teaching and Everyday Life, Shor criticizes the institutionalized modes of education which involve undemocratic approaches. He demonstrates that these traditional systems have restricted students from contributing to the learning processes. He calls for implementing learning activities that are democratic in nature. These activities are set against the notions of education that students have from their previous experiences within the traditional pedagogical system. The democratic methods of teaching would change the role of students from passive to active critical subjects in which they become active participants in their own learning (111-113). Shor also pointed out some of the limitations of Freires assumptions. Examining the applicability of the Freirean philosophy, he stressed the difficulties involved in implementing the principles of this philosophy within the classroom setting. In his When Students Have Power, he strongly argues that despite the benefits gained from the implementation of the assumptions of critical pedagogy; these assumptions do not go smoothly when turned into practice in the context of classroom environment (56). However, Freire responded to this claim when he stressed the fact that his educational philosophy was not merely a collection of strategies that could be implemented in all educational environments. Rather, different educational practices should be adapted depending on each individual context. Freire acknowledged that pedagogy is influenced by ideology and since ideologies vary a lot, the existence of a single philosophy of critical pedagogy is not practical. Hence, one cannot speak of pedagogy but must speak instead of pedagogies which respond to particular necessities, interests and conditions (Gaudiano and de Alba 128). The challenges of reaching a definite conception of critical pedagogy brought about different approaches to the philosophy by many writers. bell hooks, for example, supports Freire in promoting the link between theory and practice in order for the student to be the center of the teaching process. However, she does not employ Freires concept of critical pedagogy. Rather, she has introduced what she calls engaged pedagogy. She defines it as a system that combines anticolonial, critical, and feminist pedagogies à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for interrogating biases in curricula that reinscribe systems of domination à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ while simultaneously providing new ways to teach diverse groups of students (qtd. in Florence 10). A central feature of this model is the repudiation of the use of sophisticated language; a key feature of traditional educational methods that creates barriers between students and teachers. Roger Simon has introduced another significant approach to critical pedagogy which he calls pedagogy of possibility. In his Empowerment as a Pedagogy of Possibility Simon contends that proposing pedagogy is also proposing a political ideology. Hence, this model of pedagogy aims at enabling a particular moral project, a particular not yet of how we might live our lives together (372). He stresses the fact that such a pedagogy will require forms of teaching and learning linked to the goal of educating students to take risks, to struggle with ongoing relations of power, to critically appropriate forms of knowledge that exist outside their immediate experience, and to envisage versions of a world that is not yet in order to be able to alter the grounds upon which life is lived (375). Like Freire, Simon stresses the importance of not looking at his ideas as mere abstractions. Rather, they should be put into practice in all educational environments. Teachers who would implement the principles of the pedagogy of possibility must not expect a guideline for techniques to be adopted, but rather approach such a task strategically, locally and contextually formulating practice within an integrated moral and epistemological stance (Simon, Teaching 58). This will lead to a possibility for creating counterdiscursive activity that attempts to provoke a process through which people might engage in a transformative critique of their everyday lives (60). The complexities inherent in critical pedagogy have given rise to many critiques of its principles and assumptions. The scope of the criticism directed against critical pedagogy is so vast that it includes critiques from disciplines such as feminism, and postmodernism. It is of high importance to shed light on some these critiques directed against critical pedagogy in order to identify the potential challenges in implementing its practices in classroom environment. The first critique to be considered is that which comes from the very nature of critical pedagogy itself. Critical pedagogy inherently requires a constant investigation of its principles and practices. In this aspect, Giroux and McLaren contend that many current trends in critical pedagogy are embedded in the endemic weaknesses of a theoretical project overly concerned with developing a language of critique. Critical pedagogy is steeped in a posture of moral indignation toward the injustices reproduced in American public schools. Unfortunately, this one-sided emphasis on critique is matched by the lack of theoretical and pragmatic discourse upon which to ground its own vision of society and schooling and to shape the direction of a critical praxis (32). In her The Struggle for Pedagogies: Critical and Feminist Discourses as Regimes of Truth, Jennifer Gores critique of critical pedagogy is based on her contention that there are two distinct versions within critical pedagogy; she identifies these versions according the prominent figures who most contributed to the philosophy of each strand. The first version contributes to what she calls pedagogical practice. She suggests that Freire and Shor represent this strand of critical pedagogy which offers concrete suggestions and examples taken from their own pedagogical practice, and which is intended to help other educators (40). Gores criticism is directed against the other approach which she calls pedagogical project. This approach is represented in the contributions of many significant pedagogues, mainly Giroux and McLaren. Gore claims that their approach relies heavily on an abstract political vision and should not be called critical pedagogy, but critical educational theory (42). She goes on to argue that the major shortcoming of such an approach resides in its failure to delineate a set of practices for classroom teaching. As a result, their pedagogy might be seen to restrict its audience to those readers who have the time, energy, or inclination to struggle with it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and, in so limiting its audience, it subsequently limits its political potential (38). Essentially, Gores criticizes the fact that such critical pedagogues tend to focus on abstract theories that lack the potential for implementation. As an example, Gore cites the concept of empowerment, which is a key principle in critical pedagogy. Within the pedagogical project model, the concept of empowerment has been confined to extreme abstraction that forces teachers to be the agents of empowerment, without providing much in the way of tangible guidance for that work (Gore, What 66). Hence Gore calls for creating guidance for teachers so that principles of critical pedagogy can be translated into reality. However, Gore does not call for creating recipes for educational practices. Rather, she contends that theorists of critical pedagogy should take into consideration the context of the educational process instead of merely adhering to a unified theoretical background (Gore, What 67). As mentioned above, Freire himself rejected an essentialist view of critical pedagogy and called on teachers to adapt the learning process to the context of students experiences. In this regard, a great responsibility lies on teachers in determining the methodologies appropriate for each particular context. Similarly, Elizabeth Ellsworth employs a feminist perspective to refute any essentialist interpretation of critical pedagogy. She goes on to claim that even the term critical is a repressive myth[s] that perpetuate[s] relations of domination and hides the actual political agendas à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ namely antiracism, antisexism, anti-elitism, anti-heterosexism, anti-ableism, anti-classism, and anti-neoconservatism (93). She also believes that theorists of critical pedagogy have failed to launch any meaningful analysis of or program for reformulating the institutionalized power imbalances between themselves and their students, or of the essentially paternalistic project of education itself (98). Moreover, Ellsworth develops a deconstructionist critique of critical pedagogues. She claims that these pedagogues are implicated in the very structures they are trying to change (101). She criticizes the fact that much of the literature of critical pedagogy is the work of the dominant white middle class men. She goes on to argue that a relation between teacher/student becomes voyeuristic when the voice of the pedagogue himself goes unexamined (104). In his Elements of a Post-liberal Theory of Education, Bowers basic criticism resides in his claim that, in a way, critical pedagogy enforces the assumptions and values of Western metaphysics. Although he promoted the contributions of Freire and his followers, Bowers believes that Freires model emphasizes the modernist way of thinking, and thus it reinforces Western values and principles. For Bowers, all Freires pedagogy is based on Western assumptions about man, freedom, progress, and the authority of the rational process (127). He claims that the problem with Freires position is not that he advocates critical reflection but that he makes it the only legitimate source of knowledge and authority (129). Although Freires emphasis on dialogue as a basic component of the educational process has been praised as a democratic strategy, Bowers criticizes the very notion of using dialogue as a tool for emancipation. He contends that relying on dialogue in this aspect shifts the locus of authority from that of community and tradition to the individual who unifies thought and action in a new praxis (129). This focus on the individual on the expense of other collective concerns has lead to the failure of critical pedagogy in addressing issues related to ecology and the nature of the world. As he puts it, The problems of inequality and restricted individual empowerment are not nearly as important as the cultural roots of our alienation from nature. Regardless of how our agenda for social reform is framed, the bottom line has to do with reversing the global ecological deterioration we are now witnessing (159). A very important critique of critical pedagogy that should be highlighted here is that which comes from a postmodern perspective. In their Dialogue across Difference: Continuing the Conversation, Burbules and Rice explore the postmodern critique of critical pedagogy. The authors start their argument by suggesting that there are two versions of postmodernism that hold different positions relative to modernism itself (397). They call these two versions postmodernism and antimodernism. The authors suggest that a basic characteristic of postmodernism is that it goes beyond the norm but at the same time accepts the basic significance of the tradition it proposes to go beyond (397). They cite Giroux and McLaren as examples on postmodernist critics who relish some key democratic assumptions of modernism and yet go beyond them. Antimodernism, on the other hand, defines itself as the antithesis of modernism and is characterized by a strong antipathy to the language, issues, and values of modernism (398). The authors criticize this strand and assert that having deconstructed all metanarratives and radically relativized all possible values, antimodernism is left with no clear way of justifying any alternatives (398). The different positions of postmodernism and antimodernism account for the dissenting views related to the relationship between critical pedagogy and postmodernism. In this regard, some writers strongly believe that critical pedagogy is far from incorporating the premises of postmodernism. In Reflective Teaching in the Postmodern World: A Manifesto for Education in Postmodernity, Parker holds the view that many critical educational practices involve some modernist assumptions and fail to account for a genuine understanding of the process of knowledge construction from a postmodern perspective (16). Similarly, there are other feminist and postmodernist writers who assert that some strands of critical pedagogy do not address such issues which are of high importance in the field. In her Freire and a Feminist Pedagogy of Difference, Weiler explores the conflict she perceives between the modernist orientations of critical pedagogy and postmodernism. As a feminist writer arguing from a postmodern perspective, she claims that her goal is to retain the vision of social justice and transformation that underlies liberatory pedagogies (450). She suggests that the universal goals of liberation do not directly analyze the contradictions between conflicting oppressed groups or the ways in which a single individual can experience oppression in one sphere while being privileged or oppressive in another (450). Accordingly, Weiler believes that the theory that calls for the existence of universal experience of oppression does not take into account the specific contexts of the classroom experience. Hence the focal point of her argument resides in redefining the collective experience in the context of historically defined struggles (Weiler 451). In this regard, Weiler claims that Freire ignored the existence of diverse experience of oppression; hence she calls for a more situated theory of oppression and subjectivity, and for the need to consider the contradictions of such universal claims of truth or process (456). Weiler argues for a feminist-postmodern approach to confront the deficits in Freires philosophy of pedagogy. In this regard, she delineates three major issues where this process can be implemented. She names these as the role and authority of the teacher, the claims for knowledge and truth in personal experience, and the question of difference. Weiler concludes by asserting that the existence of different approaches in this arena does not necessitate abandonment of the goals of social justice and empowerment, but it does make clear the need to recognize contingent and situated claims and to acknowledge our own histories and selves in process (470). On the other side of the spectrum, there are many writers who strongly believe that critical pedagogy strongly incorporates some aspects of postmodernism. In Critical Crosscurrents in Education, Collins sheds light on this link between critical pedagogy and postmodernism as he suggests that, like critical pedagogy, postmodernist critical discourse is about the struggles for power to be heard about the empowerment of other voices' (76). In the same vein, Pinar et al. suggest that there is a possibility for developing a strand of pedagogy that engages in some postmodern principles. This version of pedagogy goes beyond the issues of oppression and suffering that are merely viewed from a class- struggle perspective (305). Other writers share the same view and contend that the philosophy of Freire and other critical pedagogues does incorporate some postmodern dimensions. Most of these writers approach this issue through dividing Freires writing into different phases, stressing that the postmodern orientations appear in his later work. Peters, for example, suggests that there are some postmodern ideas that can be clearly seen in Freires later work. These ideas include Freires emphasis on textuality, subjectivity, experience and culture in addition to his own interpretation of oppression and power (117). Similar to Peters, Roberts asserts that in order to locate the modernist inclinations in Freires writing we should look at Freires work as a whole, and not to focus on his writings during the first stage of his work. Roberts contends that Freire did promote some postmodern techniques in confronting all forms of oppression. He also highlights Freires confrontation with postmodern critics, especially in his later writing. Roberts examination of this issue concluded in his contention that Freire argues for what he called progressive postmodernism. Freire has stressed the fact that educators should challenge modern ways of thinking through becoming more tolerant, open and forthright, critical, curious, and humble (112). Clearly, the above argument proves that any attempt to come up with a clear-cut definition of critical pedagogy is utterly challenging. As mentioned above, there are multiple approaches to critical pedagogy, and there are also variables from other disciplines that are easily accommodated in this literature. All this results in creating critical pedagogies rather than one definite and universally- accepted form of critical pedagogy. These critical pedagogies are always involved in a constant process of redefinition and change, thus imposing great challenge on pedagogues in this regard. Despite these variations and challenges, teachers are always urged to go beyond the mere theoretical background of critical pedagogy. The process of theorizing without action creates no change and goes against the objectives of critical pedagogy. Teachers must promote an integrated approach of theory and practice, or what Freire called praxis. In other words, they should seriously consider the potential for implementing the premises of critical pedagogy in the teaching process. This implementation should go beyond the mere adherence to an essentialist view of a critical pedagogical methodology. Teachers should attempt, to the best of their abilities, to locate the teaching process within the realities of students lives. They should take into account the various variables, realities and experiences pertinent to students lives. Hence, they should adapt their techniques according to the specific variables pertinent to the context in which they work. The critique directed against critical pedagogy maximizes the need for this constant action on the part of teachers. In addition to adapting their educational tools to the classroom context, teachers are exhorted to encourage the involvement and empowerment of the students. Without putting the assumptions, principles and paradigms of critical pedagogy into practice, teachers run the risk of going within the traditional mainstream models of education. As Bahruth and Steiner beautifully put it: in our profession we have two choices; we can succumb to the mainstream and become programmed toward deskilling our intellect, or we can become critical pedagogues and liberate ourselves and those who choose to join in the dialogue (143).
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