Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Major Drivers Of Humanity s Ecological Footprint Are...
1) Introduction â€Å"The two major drivers of humanity’s ecological footprint are population and consumption†(Sherbinin). With population on the rise, it is becoming a growing concern the negative effects population has on the environment. So how much is population actually growing? Where and why is it growing so rapidly? And how can we minimize its effects on our environment? Well, the world population is higher now than it ever has been before and the United Nations World Population Prospects presents a medium variant projection by 2050 of 9.2 billion people and still growing, although at a significantly reduced rate. Most of the projected growth is expected to occur in the developing world, increasing from 5.4 to 7.9 billion (Sherbinin). So, it is widely accepted that the global population has been on the rise for a number of years now and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future reaching record-breaking numbers. But what kind of impacts do these recording breaking numbers have on our environment? This is where consumption plays a major role. Consumption trends are somewhat difficult to predict because they depend more heavily than population projections on global economic conditions, efforts to pursue sustainable development, and potential feedback from the environmental systems. Nevertheless, several indicators of consumption have grown at rates well above population growth in the past century (Sherbinin). Consequently, if consumption trends of the current globalShow MoreRelatedEco-Buddhism7194 Words  | 29 Pagesinto our awareness: the solution to any discomfort we might have is consumption. Needless to say, this all-pervasive conditioning is incompatible with the liberative path of Buddhism. Consumption has replaced religion and citizenship as the way we participate in society. It is one of 4 Megaphenomena that have ‘spiked’ in intensity over the last century, combining to create unprecedented danger for the biosphere. Population growth, carbon gas emissions and species extinctions are the otherRead MoreClimate Change And Its Effects On Economic Growth Essay8671 Words  | 35 Pagesclimate change in Kenya is undeniable, while its effects on economic growth are no more mysterious; rather, they are rapidly unfolding to a startling reality and concern for humanity. 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