Sunday, May 3, 2020
Teenagers and Use of Social Media †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Teenagers and Use of Social Media. Answer: Introduction: Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something which the real world lacks: it gives us immediacy, direction, a sense of clarity and value as an individual. The above quoted lines of David Amerland from his famous work The Social Media Mind: How social media how social media is changing business, politics and science and helps create a new world order clearly outline the reason for the excessive use of the various social media platform by the teenagers and others. Furthermore, in the opinion of Woody Allen, Technology has made us Gods even before we deserve to call ourselves human beings. This particular statement of the famous director speaks volumes about the ill effects of the excessive over-reliance on the use of technology. Therefore, it is often seen that the parents try to control the usage of the various social media platforms of their kids. It is to be noted that this particular attitude is adopted by the parents in a bid to protect them from the ill effects of the excessive usage of the various social media platforms (Sponcil and Priscilla 4:1). This paper intends to shed light on the question whether the parents should limit t he usage of the various social media platforms by their kids. This particular article written by the authors Madden, Lenhart, Cortesi, Gasser, Duggan, Smith and Beaton was published in the Pew Research Center in the year 2013. This particular article intends to provide an overview of the usage of the various social media platforms by the teenagers and also its ill effects. The article also raises the question of privacy and how it is denied to the teenagers by the excessive usage of the various platforms of the social media (Madden 21:2-86). The authors conducted a thorough research between the years 2006 to 2012 to arrive at the conclusion that the teenagers in the present age are sharing more amount of information over the various social media platforms than they used to do in the earlier times (Madden 21:2-86). According to the article, 24% of online teens use Twitter, up from 16% in 2011. The typical (median) teen Facebook user has 300 friends, while the typical teen Twitter user has 79 followers (Madden 21:2-86). This might be a reflection of various factors like the need to eradicate boredom, to connect with friends and people from different parts of the world and others. However, it is often seen that there are various ill effects associated with the process of the excessive usage of social media as well. It is often see that the teenagers addicted to the social media are more likely to respond to the positive experiences rather than the negative ones. However, it is seen that recent researches suggest that the excessive usage of the social media have adverse effects on the psychology as well as the physical health of the teenagers and adolescents as well. Therefore, the various parents often try to curb the usage of social media of their children. This particular research material can be used by the various people to create awareness among the various parents and other people about the addictive as well as the ill effects of the excessive usage of the various platforms related to the social media. Moreover, this research can indicate that the excessive usage of the social media reduces the privacy in the lives of teenagers which forms an important part of their lives. The present scenario where most of the teenagers are addicted to the use of social media offers a very fertile ground to prove the facts derived by these authors. It is to be noted that the results derived by these authors can be synthesized with the other researches and their findings to create awareness among the teenagers about the ill effects of the usage of social media. The most important part of the research which has been selected is the fact that the research uses statistics to prove the hypotheses which they state during the course of the article. This particular article was written was Madden, Lenhart, Cortesi, Gasser, Duggan, Smith and Beaton who have a part of the Pew Internet Project for a long time. It is to be noted that there findings have raised much awareness about the ill effects of the usage of social media. The article states that Teen Twitter use has grown significantly: 24% of online teens use Twitter, up from 16% in 2011 and 74% of teen social media users have deleted people from their network or friends list (Madden 21:2-86). This article data clearly indicates the increase in the usage of social media among the teens and also the problems which entails with it. The only thing that is weak about the article is that the authors have restricted themselves just to finding the ill-effects of the usage of social media and does not provide any remedial measures. This particular article written by Strasburger in the year 2013 and published in the journal Pediatrics intends to give an overview of the harmful effects of the excessive usage of the various platforms of the social media. According to the article there was a time when the children used to be addicted to the media platform of television however in the recent times the trend has changed and now they have become addicted to the various platforms related to the social media (Strasburger 132: 958-961). As per a study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, potential harmful effects of media messages and images has become a major problem for the various parents who are worried about the physical as well as the metal well being of their children due to their excessive use of the various platforms related to the social media (Bolton et al. 24: 245-267). Therefore, the article suggests that the various schools, parents and others take into consideration these factors and device app ropriate strategies to counteract them. It is significant to note that this particular article tries to evaluate the harmful effects of the excessive usage of the social media and tries to provide effective solutions to them. Therefore, it would not be too far-fetched to say that this particular research can be utilized by the various present day scholars as well as researchers to combat the harmful effects of the excessive usage of the platforms related to the social media. It is to be noted that this particular research can be synthesized with the current findings of other research to arrive at better results. The most important fact about the research which has been chosen is that unlike other researches which focus just on the harmful effects of the excessive usage of social media this particular research provides some solutions as well about how to curb the harmful effects of the excessive usage of social media. This particular article was written by Strasburger, who is one of the most eminent pediatrics of the world at the moment. The author states that the average 8- to 10-year-old spends nearly 8 hours a day with a variety of different media and teenagers 13 through 17 years of age sent an average of 3364 texts per month (Strasburger 132: 958-961). This particular data provided by the author can be utilized for further researches. This particular data provided by the author means that the present day teenagers are growing more reliant on the various forms of social media and thereby losing touch with the physical world. The only weak point about the article is that the article delves too much on the pediatric treatment and does not provide general solutions to the problem concerned. This particular paper was written by Perrin in the year 2015 and published in the Pew Research Center. This particular paper intends to provide an overview of the increasing usage of the various platforms related to the social media and the way it is affecting the lives of the teenagers and the adolescents as well. It is to be noted that according to the author the usage of the social media has increased by almost 65% in the present times and this is likely to affect not only the various teenagers but the adolescents as well (Lau 68: 286-291). According to the article the excessive usage of the various social media platforms has affected such things as work, politics and political deliberation, communications patterns around the globe, as well as the way people get and share information about health, civic life, news consumption, communities, teenage life, parenting, dating and even peoples level of stress (Perrin 1-12). It is to be noted that the findings of this particular article can be used for further researches and also for evaluating the harmful effects which the excessive usage of social media entails with itself. The findings of this particular research can be validated by using data from the real life experiences. It is to be noted that the findings of this particular research can be incorporated in other researches as well which try to study the harmful effects of the excessive usage of social media. The most important fact about this particular research is that the study gives an overview of the social media usage not only related to the teens but the adults as well. This article was written by Perrin, one of the most eminent members of the Pew Research Center. The specific data which can be used for further research are nearly two-thirds of American adults (65%) use social networking sites and young adults (ages 18 to 29) are the most likely to use social media fully 90% do (Perrin 1-12 ). This data suggests that the use of the various platforms of social media is on the rise not only among the teenagers as well as the adolescents. Therefore, along with the increased use of the social media the harmful effects will also follow. The only thing which is weak about the research is that the research covers only the problems related to the United States of America and does not provide a broader worldwide perspective. Therefore, from the above discussion it becomes that along with the increased use of the various platforms of social media the problems related to the excessive use of social media have also increased. Therefore, the parents need to limit the excessive use of social media among the kids in a bid to protect them from its harmful effects. References Bolton, Ruth N., et al. "Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda."Journal of service management24.3 (2013): 245-267. Lau, Wilfred WF. "Effects of social media usage and social media multitasking on the academic performance of university students."Computers in human behavior68 (2017): 286-291. Madden, Mary, et al. "Teens, social media, and privacy."Pew Research Center21 (2013): 2-86. Perrin, Andrew. "Social media usage."Pew research center(2015). Sponcil, Megan, and Priscilla Gitimu. "Use of social media by college students: Relationship to communication and self-concept."Journal of Technology Research4 (2013): 1. Strasburger, Victor C., et al. "Children, adolescents, and the media."Pediatrics132.5 (2013): 958-961.
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